Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012

The 10 Kinds of Trolls You Will Encounter When Talking About Mike Brown


If you're paying attention to the events unfolding in Ferguson -- and by God, you better be -- then you probably already know there is a group of people in this country of ours who are determined to change the focus of the conversation about the killing of Mike Brown and the subsequent protests, attempting to shift the lens away from the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens and the killing of a black teenager. If you're reading this, you probably already know the folks I'm talking about. But here they are. #Staywoke .

The Full-Blown Racist Troll
Block on sight. Some of them are friends of your Facebook friends -- block them. Some of them are your Facebook friends. Many of them are accounts like the one I have screenshotted below: anonymous and relying on blatantly racist language, such as blackface imagery, monkey references, use of the N-word, etc. These have exploded over the last week. We're talking hundreds. I've been using Twitter avidly for years and I can't recall ever seeing quite this much racist bile taking over an event-related hashtag (#Ferguson ) as I have this week. Block them and report them for spam immediately.

The "Wait for Evidence" Troll
This troll may or may not be anonymous and pretends to be focused on respecting and upholding the law. "We don't know what happened yet," they say, "wait for evidence before you lambast an officer of the law." They pretend that things like racism, police brutality, police corruption, etc. don't exist and insist that if concrete evidence is released, they will be swayed to feel "sympathy" for Mike Brown. But they won't. When evidence arises, they find objection to its relevance or veracity. They then transform into The "Mike Brown Shouldn't Have [insert human action here]" Troll, to follow.

The "Mike Brown Shouldn't Have [insert human action here]" Troll
This troll (and the others as well) will go great lengths to justify the taking of black life. "He shouldn't have run," "he shouldn't have been sagging," "he shouldn't have been walking down the middle of the street," "he shouldn't have stolen something." These trolls come in all races and will insist that when a police officer (or a homeowner, or a security guard) assaults a person of color, that person must have done something to deserve it. The fact that Mike Brown was shot at least 6 times doesn't register as overkill, even when two of those shots were in the head. They will also extend effort to paint Ferguson as a ghetto, where this kind of thing happens all the time. Nope. Ferguson, Missouri had zero murders.

The "Police Are the Good Guys" Troll
These folks have a blissfully naïve version of police in their heads, the one fed to them since they were children that says police are the good guys and that no matter what they do, they must have had a reason. These people have no concept -- or pretend to have no concept -- of the depth of white supremacy and the way it is ingrained in every facet of our culture... even our police. Because they believe the police are always right -- and usually because they also believe that groups of black people are inherently violent -- they have no qualms about police dressed in military gear, sitting on tanks and tear-gassing American citizens. 'Murica. You may also hear these trolls say, "What about due process?" Well... we would proceed with due process. If they would actually arrest Darren Wilson. Which they haven't. So...

The "Violence Just Begets More Violence" Troll
These people are the riot-shamers. They roll out the word "looters!" at every chance and are not interested in the fact that only a small number of people at the protests have actively looted, or that Ferguson protestors actually locked arms to prevent said looting. These trolls hide behind anonymous accounts, they masquerade as sane coworkers, and they work for CNN and other major media outlets. They focus on the "unrest" in Ferguson and talk about it out of context in an attempt to 1) divert attention away from the killing of an unarmed black teenager and/or 2) disguise their lack of critical thought. As Mia McKenzie of Black Girl Dangerous said so well in this post:"a community pushing back against a murderous police force that is terrorizing them is not a 'riot.' It's an uprising. It's a rebellion. It's a community saying We can't take this anymore. We won't take it. It's people who have been dehumanized to the point of rightful rage. And it happens all over the world. Uprisings and rebellions are necessary and inevitable, locally and globally. This is not to say that actual riots don't happen. White folks riot at sporting events, for example. Riots happen. But people rising up in righteous anger and rage in the face of oppression should not be dismissed as simply a 'riot.'"

The Concern Troll
These are among the more passive aggressive trolls you will encounter. They not only target victims like Mike Brown with statements like "I wish he hadn't stolen those cigars: he might be alive," but target the community as well, saying things like "Should they really be out there protesting with little kids? I worry about that kind of parenting."
Let me make one thing clear in case you weren't sure: these people aren't worried about the children of Ferguson. They're not actually "concerned" at all," despite their title. These people employ words like "worry" and "I wish" and "concern" to communicate their disapproval of black people doing anything besides playing the Martin Baker role. If they were actuallyconcerned, they would see the images of police with hidden badge numbers, tear-gassing eight-year old girls, and be concerned about the escalation of violence police in Ferguson are responsible for.

The "But What About Black on Black Crime!" Troll
Yes, 85 percent of violent crime against black people is perpetuated by other black people. But guess what? The exact same is true for violent crime committed against white people: the vast majority of those crimes are committed by other white people. People who use the term "black on black crime" either 1) work for Fox News, 2) are seeking to portray black people as violent and out of control, and/or 3) seek to portray black people as only caring about black lives when there is a way to blame white people. Let's run that back: 1) If they work for Fox News...you already know. 2) If we're going to make sweeping statements about people being violent and out of control, perhaps we should focus on young white males. 3) Anyone who would fit with#3 is not interested in facts, otherwise they would be aware of the vast number of organizations and movements to end gun violence in black neighborhoods... spearheaded by black people. The real motivation behind this troll (and all of them really) is to distract from the matter at hand, and that's that an unarmed black teen is dead.

The "Don't Make This A Racial Issue!" Troll
These are the pearl-clutchers. "This could have happened to anyone! Let's not make this a racial issue and instead focus on getting this cop off the street!" Yes, we should focus on getting this cop off the street, but we must also focus on the conditions that made this killing possible, and that is one of racism, white supremacy, and police violence that has been being built and rebuilt since the birth of this country. No, this wouldn't have just happened to anyone. A black male is killed by police every 28 hours in America. This is a racial issue.
These trolls will also accuse you of being racist for talking about racism and start quoting to you all the times black people perpetuated "reverse racism" against white people. Suggested action? Block and keep it moving.

The Misinformation Bots
These are particularly dangerous and I have seen a lot of them in the past week. I won't speculate on where they come from -- although I have a fairly good idea -- but their sole purpose is to spread misinformation about Mike Brown and Darren Wilson, targeting people tweeting under the #Ferguson and #MikeBrown hashtags and sending them to false articles on homemade websites about alternate eyewitnesses that saw Brown attack Wilson, etc. Don't engage with these people: they likely get paid for it. Report them as spam and, you guessed it: keep it moving.

The "I Wish We Could All Just Get Along" Troll
These trolls might mean well. They might. But that doesn't mean they're not trolls. You post/tweet an article and they tweet back, "This is all really bad, but I wish this wasn't happening. Can't we all just get along?" They're trolling you. We all wish we could get along. But right now a boy is dead and is receiving no justice by the system that supposedly exists to protect him. Injecting Pollyanna-isms aren't helping anyone. If you really want to help and the frontlines aren't for you, just donate to the Michael Brown Memorial Fund. And stay out of the way.
This isn't an exhaustive list. When a black person is killed in America, trolls come out of the woodwork in an attempt to justify or distract from the taking of that life. After finishing this post, I'm not even sure "troll" is the right word, but I'm not sure if I have a better one either. Weights, perhaps. Cinder blocks shackled to the rising tide of Americans who want better, believe in better; who see the killing of another black kid in America and say "enough." These people are not merely trolls. "Troll" implies something harmless, a faceless entity in the underbelly of the Internet. These people are not harmless. They are part of the problem. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for the problem they pose: they are not interested in self-education. They are not interested in empathy. They are not interested in challenging the worldview that has tucked them in at night and told them the police are here for our protection and that black people deserve what they get. They are interested only in standing very still, while the rest of us move forward. All I can say is this: move on without them. Block, report, and move on without them. Even when they're friends.



loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
DC police preparing for possible protests

D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has issued a memo to the force telling officers to be prepared for “possible demonstrations” Sunday and Monday.

In the memo, obtained by FOX 5, the chief says unless it was pre-approved, all leave for officers is restricted on those days and there is no optional sick leave.

She has also activated 17 civil disturbance platoons and told all members of the special operations division they will be working those days.

Special operations include K-9, the bomb squad and the emergency response team.

The chief has also deployed the electronic surveillance unit which has the capability of recording any protest or demonstration.

In an email exchange with the chief Thursday afternoon, she declined to say specifically why she has ordered the mandatory activation.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
It’s Not Just Ferguson – It’s All Of America


There’s a very good chance that your local police arrest black Americans at a rate more disproportional than in Ferguson, MO, where the police killing of unarmed Michael Brown unleashed decades of anger over police abuse.

The awful truth is that Ferguson Police Department’s nearly 3-to-1 disparity in arresting blacks is well below the norm in many cities and towns, including those far north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

With a grand jury poised to decide any day now whether the white officer who shot Brown six times will be indicted — which seems unlikely — new protests will focus attention on Ferguson. But what we really need is a debate about the role of police, their training and their discretion.

We need to restore the idea of police as guardians. We must bring an end to the changes that libertarian journalist Radley Balko details in his important book Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces

Reporters for USA Today brought to light the disproportionate arrest rates. They analyzed Uniform Crime Report data that local police departments sent to the FBI for 2011 and 2012.

Only 173 of 3,538 police departmentsarrested blacks at disproportionately low rates, while Ferguson PD and 1,581 other departments arrested blacks at rates significantly higher than their share of the local population.

In big cities like tolerant and cosmopolitan San Francisco and small ones like Duluth, the data reveal arrest rates by race far more troubling than those in Ferguson. In 70 cities from coast to coast, police arrest black people at 10 times the rate of people who are not black.

These numbers help explain the palpable resentment of young black men and the fears of parents.

Disparate arrest rates tell us that the legacy of slavery is far from over, no matter how blind our Supreme Court is with its decisions on voting, procedural rights and executions.

Ferguson is part of a subtle new racist phenomenon, a modern variation on“sundown towns,” which literally posted crude signs telling blacks not to be around after dark.

Back when Ferguson was mostly a white working-class town, the police chained a street leading to a neighboring black community to make a point about who belonged and who was unwelcome. Now Ferguson is mostly black, but its elected leaders and its police force are almost all white.

Today’s tactics of oppression and racial profiling defile our Constitution and waste taxpayer money.

Ezekiel Edwards, who runs the American Civil Liberties Union’s Criminal Law Reform Project, told USA Today, “We shouldn’t continue to see this kind of staggering disparity wherever we look.”

The question to ask ourselves is whether we look at all.

This disparity in arrests occurs even in Rochester, New York, which before the Civil War was among the few places that gave runaway slaves refuge and became the adopted home of the most famous among them, Frederick Douglass, and his abolitionist newspaper The North Star.

Blacks in Rochester were 2.4 times more likely to be arrested than whites in 2011 and 2012, the official data show. The Rochester city rates may reflect an ongoing gang war fueled by drug dealingin the fifth poorest city in America. But what about the surrounding suburbs, where arrest rates were vastly out of proportion?

I live five blocks south of the Rochester city line in the town of Brighton, a community of highly educated people from around the world and known for social consciousness. Brighton arrests black people at 6.4 times their share of the population, more than twice the rate of Ferguson, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reported.

One could excuse that by saying, who knew? But that is just an excuse.

The right questions: Why didn’t we know? What public purpose is being served by these arrests? Do the arrests have a solid basis or do they serve to harass? Who was arrested and what for? Are these arrests for serious crimes or petty reasons? How many of these arrests result in convictions? Do these arrests help justify the current size — and expense — of our police force? Do people of color believe the police want them to feel unwelcome?

After that comes the most important question, the one that is needed to move us from thought to action: What will we do about this?

Arrest rates are an indicator, not a diagnosis, of social ills. Reading the comments in several Gannett newspapers (which include USA Todayas a separate section), it is clear many people assume a direct correlation between arrests and criminal activity. However, the problem may be not with those arrested, but with the police.

We imbue police officers with enormous discretion, as exhaustively detailed in six years of litigation over the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk policy. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration believed it was reducing crime by detaining young non-white males, though it would never put it quite that way. If such strategies worked, then why didn’t NYPD harass the Wall Street bankers whose white-collar crimes sank the economy six years ago?

Curiously missing from the stop-and-frisk debate was whether it was nothing more than featherbedding; creating needless work to justify the size of the NYPD and its outsized overtime costs.

Eric T. Schneiderman, the state attorney general, issued a report examining 150,000 NYPD arrests from 2009 through 2012. Just one in 33 arrests resulted in a conviction of any kind, and just 1 in 1,000 in a conviction for a violent crime. But processing all those arrests created statistics that the NYPD used to assert that officers were being productive — not to mention earning overtime for end-of-shift collars.

You can examine the NYPD’s own data on stop-and-frisk from 2003 through 2013. In that last year police stopped, questioned, and frisked about 2,200 people per day – more than seven times as many as in 2002.

To get an idea of why so many white Americans see police differently from so many black Americans, read this very interesting and simple matrix showing differences in arrest rates between an area near New York University and a poor neighborhood near Yankee Stadium.

Current New York City mayor Bill de Blasio settled the case in January 2014with a promise to stop the excessive use of stop-and-frisk.

Favoritism by police is not always racial. It can by favoritism for celebrities, as we’ve seen in the recent New York Timesexposés of apparently criminal conduct by college and National Football League players who assaulted women, mistreated children and fled traffic accidents they caused. The victims discovered that the police were indeed guardians – of the offenders.

Abundant signs exist that police across America tend to treat those not privileged with white skin – and affluence – with greater suspicion.

How else to explain the story a worried Rochester executive tells? Several times a month his adult son, who works into the night, gets pulled over on the way home. As best the family can tell, some cops see reasonable cause for a stop in these facts: young black male in expensive new car driving alone after midnight.

How, other than racism, to explain a daytime traffic stop on Sunset Boulevard in which a middle-aged black man in a Rolls Royce, his daughters in the back seat, was ordered out at gunpoint? Without permission, officers ransacked his leather satchel until they found something that caused them fear and alarm – a badge identifying the driver as No. 3 in the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.

Most white Americans have never had a cop pull them over for no reason except that they seemed out of place, as the lateJohnny Cochran did in 1979. I have. In Beverly Hills and in Longport, NJ, officers whose initial demeanor was hostile pulled me over in broad daylight. The basis of their suspicions? My Toyota Corolla, its paint dulled by the years, looked out of place in towns whose residents drive luxury cars.

Police who instill fear are not police who catch bad guys, because it is citizens informing the police who solve crimes. Police who see “black skin” and “criminal” as synonymous need to be fired. And the burden for addressing these problems should fall squarely where it belongs – on the white majority whose values, and blindness, allow the drift towards police as warrior cops instead of guardians of the people.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

NOV 21ST, 2014 3:11 PM


An unarmed man identified as Akai Gurley, 28, was shot and killed by police Thursday evening while exiting a building with his girlfriend.

According to police reports, Gurley had spent the evening at his girlfriend’s apartment inside the Louis Pink Housing Projects. The couple left the seventh floor apartment around 11:15 p.m. and tried to take an elevator down to the bottom floor. But when the elevator wouldn’t work, they decided to exit via the stairwell.

Two officers in the stairwell conducting a top-to-bottom patrol of the building encountered the couple in the dark stairwell, and one of the officers, identified as Peter Liang fired at the couple from the eighth floor, striking Gurley, who was on the seventh floor landing, in the chest.

Gurley collapsed and tumbled down to the fifth floor. The victim’s girlfriend, Melissa Butler, then tried to give Gurley first aid. He was transported to Brookdale Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton called the fatal shooting an “unfortunate tragedy.”

But Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, representing Brooklyn’s 8th District, said “talk is cheap,” and “the community demands action.”

“The senseless killing of another unarmed African-American male by the NYPD should shock the conscience of all New Yorkers and the nation,” said Jeffries.

“Our Mayor and the Police Commissioner must commit to a systematic change in the law enforcement culture of this City. Anything less will not be tolerated.”

Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson and NYPD Internal Affairs are investigating the incident.


Bruce LeRoy

All Star
May 26, 2012
You just simply can't compare what whites do or are doing (in THIS country) to what blacks (or any minority group) do... That's the problem with alot of minorities... You want to compare yourself to them but they have the population numbers and over representation in the media, politics, etc.. to compensate for all the flaws that get exposed to the masses (mass shootings, oklahoma city bombing, etc...). That's why it's so easy for them to point out black crime statistics against you... it's why they can put out an irrelevent video tape of Mike Brown and the store clerk and use it against him....

You're outnumbered and outgunned no matter WHAT you do... the best thing you can do is protect yourself and everyone you care for around you..

I'm not going to criticize the protestors because I like what they're doing... but EVERYONE who plans a protest should read this book and take notes... because the government is using the SAME tactics they've always used.

http://www.thegoyslife.com/Documents/Books/A People's History of the United States- Howard Zinn.pdf


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
they sent in ATF, FBI, PMCs, tanks, apc, 1500 police, the national guard, are using tear gas, high powered rifles and confusing people buying guns with bombs

if you just woke from a coma you would think the next 9/11 just fukking occurred, no a cop shot a kid and a few businesses windows were broken

this is at a point where its inevitable even if he was by a miracle indicted because they've even said they expect riots from fukking enjoyment

i fear the absolute worst right now

if even one bullet is fired from anyone....

:ohhh: Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Are they scared? trollin'? Chess playin'? ... Or Nah?

or yeah? ... :leon: