Live from the Lou...
Been several pages since I've posted in this thread but I read it everyday (kinda get mad when it doesn't have a page or three waiting to be read)
Off the rip, shout out to
@loyola llothta for the comprehensive and condensed updates for the "what's going on in Ferguson" folks across the globe who read this read even more religiously than I. My brethrens
@Cat piss martini @Nefflum nikka @MustafaSTL 
never met y'all but I'm sure we all know at least 3-4 of the same people in some fashion (insert *What high school you used to go to obligatory we ALL know how that goes here)...
That said, I need to say my peace/piece...
I work with the local cable company on some helpdesk steez (Coli 6 figures here I come)...The country is legit watching. The gasps from the old ladies when they ask where I'm located, the awkward pauses and the questions about the weather when I say I'm in St. Louis, the college students who for some bugged out reason can't differentiate between a modem and router who want to talk for days on end about #Ferguson and their anticipation for a decision....shyts taxing on the daily.
Knowing that you work WITH (I work for NO man) a company that you witnessed first hand interrupt television services to the epicenter and neighboring communities when shyt was jumping off in the oddly mild summer nights, weigh on me. Knowing that the call volume will reach epic levels because said action WILL occur again (make no mistake it about it), and continuing on is taxing. Gotta feed the family until I get my own shyt off the ground is what I tell myself everyday. Fukkin sucks.
That leads me to a convo I just had in the barbershop. Left work for the day cause, well, I can. An "OG" was getting the youngins riled up about a theory he had (and of course direct influence from mass media outlets) about a person surviving a gun shot wound to the top of the head. I entertained him a bit, all the patrons laughed once I realized he was trolling and called him out on it and then I took the floor.
I wanted to get a real opinion about the state of affairs for black men from an "OG". Raised in the Pruitt-Igoe (he proclaims it proudly). I wanted to see how he would react to someone who is well versed in bullshyt and in classroom, so to speak, being that I, as a youngin, grew up but a mere 2 city blocks away from those since flattened and fenced off projects off Jefferson and Gamble in a house that is the only one that is still standing on its side of the street to this day (I one day hope to own that entire lot and rebuild that home).
Brehs, these OG's ain't shyt (for the most part). I'm talking about repair and reparations, this nygga (yeah) talkin bout all the jobs are gon and working for GM for 22 years. Nygga you selling DVDs in a barber shop and you 58!!! The nerve of your submissive spirit the dare to shyt on the younger folks. He proved to me what I knew in my core, errbody that's older, ain't down for the cause. They will tell you in one sentence that being hard working will get you far (as in maintaining a job and taking care of family enough to keep yourself from being impoverished) but will say in the same breath, they were marching and protesting back in the day. FOH

They will contradict themselves and attempt to belittle your independent being all while refusing to own their failures to US! Yeah, I told OG straight up, you generation failed us because your parents generation failed you! If you were that bout it, you'd have yo ass in front of that police station like I have when I get off work damn near every other night!! But here you are, trying to sell me Hidden Colors 3 for $2 like shyt is sweet...Fukk you talm bout!?
I've seen several posts in hear where brehs have grown weary, become upset, or outright disgusted with their own parents over such content and passive surrenders. To y'all I say, fukk that shyt! Stand on your ten flat, and ten more wrapped! What is happening right now is for a just cause and reason! Be damned! Be ridiculed! Be the odd man out OR in!
St. Louis, through all the fukkery we deal with on the daily, is truly unique in that it has people who WILL die bout it. As small as a giant we are. As quiet as a chopper to a copper we will be.
Fukk a KKK, fukk a Darren Wilson, fukk the judicial system, and most of all fukk white supremacy and it's intentional and unintentional supporters!!!
Stay safe brethren...Worldwide.