i got a homie at work who's a hebrew israelite. its esau this, edomite that. wickedest, foulest beast on the planet. ok thats fine. me and him were choppin it up about this very same topic a few months back. he said economic empowerment aint gonna do nothing. i said okay...well, what do black folk need to do?
nikka said wait till jesus come. i laughed. hard.
he didn't.
family was dead ass serious. ever since then, i only talk about sports, hiphop and piff with that dude. lol
that @QamYasharahla idiot has said the same thing. their plan to defeat white supremacy is to sit on a soapbox, quote bible verses, and scream at white people; while waiting for sky daddy to ascend from the heavens to smite all the non-believers
thats their brilliant fukking plan.