Ferguson KKK Threat: Anonymous Mask-Wearing ‘N****r Lovers’ Will Be ‘Strung Up Next To Chimps’
The KKK in Ferguson, Missouri, and the hacker group Anonymous continued to wage a war of words this week, but the verbal and online confrontation risked escalating into real violence when a local Ku Klux Klan leader
threatened that anyone wearing an Anonymous mask could be shot, and then followed that threat with another vowing to “hunt you down and tear those masks from your face.”
second threat also employed a racist epithet, describing the members of Anonymous as “pathetic n****r lovers.”
The distinctive mask worn in public by protesters who identify with the group was popularized in the
2006 film adaptation of the comic book series
V For Vendetta, in which a lone anti-government terrorist hides his identity by donning a mask
representing Guy Fawkes, a 17th-century English militant who attempted to blow up the English Parliament.
Local Ferguson KKK leader Frank Ancona earlier threatened
that the Klan would utilize “lethal force” against protesters in the wake of the upcoming Darren Wilson grand jury decision. If Wilson, the police officer who
shot and killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson on August 9, is not indicted by the grand jury now investigating the shooting, the conventional belief is that
the ensuing protests could erupt into full-scale riots.
“You pathetic n***** lovers are going down, we’re NOT HIDING. WE’RE NOT ASHAMED OF WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE REPRESENT. THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE OVERTHROWN, [sic]” the message signed with Anacona’s name read. “We will hunt you down and tear those masks from your face. You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened.”

anybody wearing klan attire.,,,headshot on sight