Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


May 4, 2012
:ohhh: that's the pig that shook down me and my cousin a year ago, on the south side down on grand and Eichelberger. got pulled over...dude was in uniform but had no name tag on. shook us down and took our money. had his hand on his gun the whole time. he was in an unmarked car. that fakkit took 300 off me that night. said if we didn't comply he was gonna shoot both of us and put dope and a gun in the car. the next day had my lawyer call the stl pd for information on what cops was working that beat on the south side that night and got no info. calling my lawyer this morning...

get em breh :demonic:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
:ohhh: that's the pig that shook down me and my cousin a year ago, on the south side down on grand and Eichelberger. got pulled over...dude was in uniform but had no name tag on. shook us down and took our money. had his hand on his gun the whole time. he was in an unmarked car. that fakkit took 300 off me that night. said if we didn't comply he was gonna shoot both of us and put dope and a gun in the car. the next day had my lawyer call the stl pd for information on what cops was working that beat on the south side that night and got no info. calling my lawyer this morning...
I got a regional lawyer for you already :sas2:


Mar 24, 2014
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'
Brad Heath, USA TODAY2:24 p.m. EST November 19, 2014
When it comes to racially lopsided arrests, the most remarkable thing about Ferguson, Mo., might be just how ordinary it is.

Police in Ferguson — which erupted into days of racially charged unrest after a white officer killed an unarmed black teen — arrest black people at a rate nearly three times higher than people of other races.

At least 1,581 other police departments across the USA arrest black people at rates even more skewed than in Ferguson, a USA TODAY analysis of arrest records shows. That includes departments in cities as large and diverse as Chicago and San Francisco and in the suburbs that encircle St. Louis, New York and Detroit.

Those disparities are easier to measure than they are to explain. They could be a reflection of biased policing; they could just as easily be a byproduct of the vast economic and educational gaps that persist across much of the USA — factors closely tied to crime rates. In other words, experts said, the fact that such disparities exist does little to explain their causes.

"That does not mean police are discriminating. But it does mean it's worth looking at. It means you might have a problem, and you need to pay attention," said University of Pittsburgh law professor David Harris, a leading expert on racial profiling.

Whatever the reasons, the results are the same: Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than any other racial group in the USA. In some places, dramatically so.

MORE: Full-screen interactive of arrests in the USA

At least 70 departments scattered from Connecticut to California arrested black people at a rate 10 times higher than people who are not black, USA TODAY found.

"Something needs to be done about that," said Ezekiel Edwards, the head of the ACLU's Criminal Law Reform Project, which has raised concerns about such disparate arrest rates. "In 2014, we shouldn't continue to see this kind of staggering disparity wherever we look."

The unrest in Ferguson was stoked by mistrust among black residents who complained that the city's police department had singled them out for years. For example, every year, traffic stop data compiled by Missouri's attorney general showed Ferguson police stopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher than whites.

A grand jury is considering whether Officer Darren Wilson should face criminal charges for shooting a teen, Michael Brown. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency Monday as authorities braced for more unrest after the grand jury's decision is announced.

Such tensions are not new. Nationwide, blacks are stopped, searched, arrested and imprisoned at rates higher than people of other races. USA TODAY's analysis, using arrests reported to the federal government in 2011 and 2012, found that those inequities are far wider in many cities across the country, from St. Louis to Atlanta to suburban Dearborn, Mich.


A dozen people stood or slumped on benches before sunrise in Dearborn on a recent morning, waiting for officers to unlock the doors of the 19th District Court, where they had been summoned to answer traffic citations and petty criminal charges. Almost everyone who lives in Dearborn is white (including a large population of Arabs). Almost everyone waiting in the morning dim was black.

"You can see who's going in there. I guarantee they don't live here," Lawrence Wynn, who is black, said, looking at the line outside the courthouse door. Most days, Wynn said, he detours around Dearborn on his way home from his job at a suburban auto plant. It makes the journey half again as long, "but I'd rather do that than have to come through Dearborn at night."

He leaned in close. "I think they're targeting people."



Mar 24, 2014
Officials say arrest numbers for blacks skewed by non-resident criminals

Dearborn police officers and officials say that's not true. The city's police chief, Ronald Haddad, said the arrest rates are skewed because many of the people his officers arrest don't live in the city. They're picked up at the shopping mall, on their way to work or simply when they're driving through. Some are detained by private security officers before police ever arrive, meaning police would have no chance to single them out.

Haddad said it is unfair to measure his officers' work against the city's demographics. "We treat everyone the same," he said.

More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI. By comparison, about 4% of the city's residents are black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit. Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city. As a result, the arrest rate for blacks, compared with the city's population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.


Racial arrest disparity in NJ


ACLU: Racial disparities in Minneapolis arrests


Who gets arrested more on Delmarva?


To measure the breadth of arrest disparities, USA TODAY examined data that police departments report to the FBI each year. For each agency, USA TODAY compared the number of black people arrested during 2011 and 2012 with the number who lived in the area the department protects. (The FBI tracks arrests by race; it does not track arrests of Hispanics.)

The review did not include thousands of smaller departments or agencies that serve areas with only a small black population. It also did not include police agencies in most parts of Alabama, Florida and Illinois because those states had not reported complete arrest data to the FBI.

The review showed:

• Blacks are more likely than others to be arrested in almost every city for almost every type of crime. Nationwide, black people are arrested at higher rates for crimes as serious as murder and assault, and as minor as loitering and marijuana possession.

• Arrest rates are particularly lopsided in some pockets of the country, including St. Louis' Missouri suburbs near Ferguson. In St. Louis County alone, more than two dozen police departments had arrest rates more lopsided than Ferguson's. In nearby Clayton, Mo., for example, only about 8% of residents are black, compared with about 57% of people the police arrested, according to the city's FBI reports. Clayton's police chief, Kevin Murphy, said in a prepared statement that "Ferguson has laid bare the fact that everyone in law enforcement needs to take a hard look at how we can better serve our communities and address any disparities that have existed in our departments for too long."

• Deep disparities show up even in progressive university towns. USA TODAY found police in Berkeley, Calif., and Madison, Wis., arrested black people at a rate more than nine times higher than members of other racial groups. Madison Police Chief Michael Koval said most of the arrests happen in the poorest sections of the city, which are disproportionately black, and where some residents have pleaded for even more police presence. Still, he said, "I think it would be remiss to suggest the police get out of this whole thing with a free pass. We have to constantly be doing the introspective look at who we are hiring and how we are training."

• Arrest rates are lopsided almost everywhere. Only 173 of the 3,538 police departments USA TODAY examined arrested black people at a rate equal to or lower than other racial groups.

Phillip Goff, president of the University of California Los Angeles' Center for Policing Equity, said such comparisons are "seductively misleading" because they say more about how racial inequities play out than about what causes them. Those disparities are closely tied to other social and economic inequities, he said, and like most things that involve race, they defy simple explanations.

"There is no doubt a significant degree of law enforcement bias that is the engine for this. But there's also no controversy that educational quality and employment discrimination lead to this," he said. "It's not an indicator of how big a problem there is with a police department. It's an aggregator of what's going on in the community."

Still, he said, "there's some level of disparity that is a warning sign."

Whatever the causes, Harris said such pronounced disparities have consequences. "Believe me, the people who are subject to this are noticing it and they're noticing it not just individually but as a group. It gets talked about, handed down, and it sows distrust of the whole system," he said.


Black arrest rate high in Rochester area


Study: Black arrest rate higher across region


Blacks arrested at rates higher than other races


In Dearborn, distrust was sown years ago.

Dearborn is the birthplace of the modern auto industry, a mostly white and Arab suburb snugged into the southwest corner of Detroit, the poorest and blackest of America's major cities. Its border was long a stark racial divide. Until 1978, the city was presided over by a mayor, Orville Hubbard, who said he favored segregation and boasted to newspapers that he would use the instruments of government to keep blacks from moving in. He had "Keep Dearborn Clean" emblazoned on the city's police cars.

"Our history is not always something we can be proud of. But we've learned from our mistakes," Haddad, Dearborn's police chief, said. "It's unfair that we have to keep fighting that ghost."



Who gets arrested more in Delmarva region?

Some of highest black arrest rates in USA in Jersey shore counties

Across Wisconsin, black arrest rates dwarf Ferguson

Blacks more likely to be arrested across Palm Springs region

Black arrest rates high in Rochester, N.Y. area

Black arrest rates higher across Louisville region

Most Poughkeepsie area police departments arrest blacks at a higher ratio

Arrest rates higher for central Georgia blacks

Virginia shore cops: "We're arresting folks based on who's committing the crime"

Michigan local police say non-resident arrests skew figures

Video: Local Sheriff's leadership discusses race and arrest statistics

Dozens of Iowa communities' arrest rates questioned

Video: Experts look at one arrest at NJ community college

Racial disparities in Minnesota arrests

Video: Md. police chief on how she uses race data in policing

In Green Bay, blacks arrested about 9 times the rate of non-blacks

Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
look at these cave bytches from crackerville,MO yall...


Missouri High School Girls Play Annual Powder-Puff Football Game In Blackface


Every year in the town of Sullivan, Missouri, the girls from each high school grade compete against each other in an annual “Powder Puff” football game to raise money for prom. This year, a handful of the girls wore blackface to the game, and now the outrage is pouring in.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1623308/mi...otball-game-in-blackface/#DR41YH4rb9tB3Ove.99


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
look at these cave bytches from crackerville,MO yall...


Missouri High School Girls Play Annual Powder-Puff Football Game In Blackface


Every year in the town of Sullivan, Missouri, the girls from each high school grade compete against each other in an annual “Powder Puff” football game to raise money for prom. This year, a handful of the girls wore blackface to the game, and now the outrage is pouring in.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1623308/mi...otball-game-in-blackface/#DR41YH4rb9tB3Ove.99
This shyt is how they live. These cacs dont see nothing wrong with it. :scust: