Esau is a SICK b*stard man. I've always suspected that this murder was deliberately done by the Feds in order to incite the race war and bring in martial law to kill so-called Blacks. This little bit of information confirms it to me. Walk with me...
First we need to take a look at the 1992 L.A. riots which was a direct result of the acquittal of some savage ass LAPD officers for beating Black motorist Rodney King. This is how the riot is alleged to have first kicked off per Wikipedia.
Let's pay attention to where this riot kicked off, which was the intersection of
Florence and Normandie. First, let's define the word 'intersection' so we can be clear on this.
[in-ter-sek-shuh n]
a place where two or more roads meet, especially when at least one is a major highway; junction.
any place of intersection or the act or fact of intersecting.
- Also called meet, product. the set of elements that two or more sets have in common. Symbol: ∩.
- the greatest lower bound of two elements in a lattice.
I was looking at a map of the Ferguson area and noticed something weird about the surrounding towns.
We have a town called north of Ferguson called FLORISSANT and we have a town called south of Ferguson called NORMANDY.
N. FLORRISANT RD takes you DIRECTLY into NORMANDY, MO through Ferguson which makes Ferguson an 'INTERSECTION' BETWEEN FLORRISANT(Florence)/NORMANDY(Normandie)!
So not only do we have a direct connection between the street names in LA, and the surrounding towns in MO, we also have the acquittal of four white police officers which led to riots and the obvious non-indictment of (alleged) police officer Darren Wilson as a prelude to riots. Add in the fact that the military was training earlier this year to round up so-called Black Americans, and you can see clearly what the goal is.
You Israelites in that area and around the globe better get ready because the Beast is ready to make war with you, and you better believe he is ready to kill.
Obadiah 1:6
6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.