I believe the decision to NOT indict wilson was made maybe after the 1st month of the grand jury meetings. I think the last 2 months has been a formality for the governer, mayor & law enforcement officials to get their ducks lined in a row incase there's riots. The governor getting on televison with those black officers behind him chastising & warning the community if they get out of line "all neccessary means" will be made to keep them in order.
The reason we had so many "leaks" from the grand jury is because they don't just sit in a room until a decison is made, they speak freely to the prosecutor & among themselves & meet weekly for short periods of time. The DA can read the tealeaves & see that most of that grand jury panel feels wilson was justifed in killing brown so then he goes around running his mouth. And futhermore grand juries are nothing but checks & balances from the DA. If he WANTED wilson charged he would be charged because the GJ goes with whatever the DA says & he can present the evidence in a way to atleast get a probable cause for a trial.
I believe what Mcollough is doing is making the GJ feel as if they're also they are the trial jury that ultimately decides wilson's fate which isn't true. There's more than enough probable cause to atleast warrant an indictment & trial but that crooked DA doesn't want it & 9 outta 12 people WON'T go against him which is sad but usually happens when you're dealing with a grand jury.
Nixon has basically said it's open season on ANYONE who gets out of line once that NON indictment decision comes down. The outraged community will be the ones to be demonized in the media if things pop off not wilson, he'll get a nice severance package along with most of the money that was raised in his defense in a off shore account.
I'm so conflicted because I don't wanna see people getting killed in that community by overzealous national guards going forward but the silent candle light vigals & non violent protests don't work either. The frustration stems from there being no precedent or repecussions for officers killing unarmed black men, even wanna be cops with CWL's can kill if they feel threatened.