loyola llothta
It's truly sad this is the biggest thread on the coli....
It's also sadder that there are many black folks out there that aren't aware of what's going on in Ferguson cause the media has tried to brush this under the rug. As if the fact that a war is brewing in this country with soldiers and artillery is not worth mentioning... but because it's happening to us...we aren't worthy of any sympathy or concern. Quite possibly the biggest story in American history in the past 15 years since 9/11 and American media wants to pretend it doesn't exist. If anything...it shows how race precedes everything else and how much the American livelihood depends on protecting white supremacy at all costs.
NYPD got nikkas on lock and the gun laws a mf
My Eastchester, BX brehs be busting at cops though
November 13: Pictures from Geneva
.There's an article going around saying the UN refuses to intervene in Ferguson/act on behalf of Mike Brown's parents. Just wanted to let you and everyone else know both the sources I've seen so far (National Report and Conservative Front) are unreliable clickbait sites for conservative nuts
Too bad the more popular/famous entertainers euro-looking won'tAs a mixed dude. He's doing what he's supposed to. So people will actually care
November 13: Pictures from Geneva
have me reminiscing over Malcolm when he was planning toseeing us at the UN, with our fist up is powerful
this is how it's done. what a powerful movement...