Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
Missouri racial violence recalls apartheid, U.N. rights chief says

GENEVA Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:17pm EDT


(Reuters) - Clashes between police and protesters in the U.S. town of Ferguson are reminiscent of the racial violence spawned by apartheid in her native South Africa, the top U.N. human rights official said on Tuesday.

Navi Pillay, who is due to step down at the end of the month after six years in the U.N. hotseat, urged U.S. authorities to investigate allegations of brutality and examine the "root causes" of racial discrimination in America.

U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday called for calm and a change in police tactics in Ferguson, Missouri, which has been rocked by racially charged clashes and riots after a white officer killed an unarmed black teenager 10 days ago.

"I condemn the excessive use of force by the police and call for the right of protest to be respected. The United States is a freedom-loving country and one thing they should cherish is people's right to protest," Pillay said in a wide-ranging interview in her office along Lake Geneva.

"Apart from that, let me say that coming from apartheid South Africa I have long experience of how racism and racial discrimination breeds conflict and violence," she said.

"These scenes are familiar to me and privately I was thinking that there are many parts of the United States where apartheid is flourishing."

Noting that African-Americans are often among the poorest and most vulnerable U.S. citizens, and accounted for many of the inmates in the country's teeming prisons, she added: "Apartheid is also where law turns a blind eye to racism."

Scenes of heavily armed American police and now National Guard troops confronting demonstrators have become daily fixtures on television around the world, not least in countries branded abusers of human rights by the United States.

From Egypt urging "restraint" on U.S. police to Iran calling Washington the "biggest violator of human rights" and Chinese state media suggesting it clean up its own act before "pointing fingers at others", Ferguson has been seized on by governments weary of criticism from the United States and the U.N. watchdog.

"There isn't a country in the world which has a perfect human rights record and doesn't have these kind of issues that emerge," Pillay said. "In other countries, this is what I urge, that it should be properly addressed, whether in Egypt, China or any other country, you have to have fair trials and afford proper defense and they should not be spurious charges."


Pillay, an ethnic Tamil, was raised in Durban and worked for more than 30 years as a defense attorney including for anti-apartheid activists, exposing torture and helping to win rights on Robben Island, where prisoners included Nelson Mandela.

President Mandela appointed her in 1995 to be the first black woman judge on the South African High Court and then asked her to serve as a judge on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. She was later elected judge at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

"My life experience has influenced my approach to these matters. I saw these things from the perspective of those who suffer and how important justice and accountability was for us," she said.

Now 72, her international legacy includes landmark U.N. commissions of inquiry set up on war crimes in Syria, Sri Lanka and Gaza and on crimes against humanity in North Korea.

Pillay said the inquiries resulted in reports from "one good source of verified information", but bemoaned the fact that not everyone was willing to work with the U.N.-appointed teams.

"I think it is very unfortunate that these countries do not cooperate with U.N.-mandated investigations or fact-finding missions, I am referring here to places like Syria, Sri Lanka and Israel who have denied access," she said.

Pillay said last December that evidence collected by independent U.N. human rights investigators implicated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in war crimes, but later denied she had direct knowledge of their secret lists stored in her office.

"I think that in the name of justice, those parties who are most responsible should face trial. And in this case I expect that President Assad will one day face international justice."

"All the facts found by my office and the commission of inquiry point to responsibility at the highest level in terms of who gave the orders or who failed to prevent their own forces from carrying out these crimes," she added.

The rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq has prompted some analysts to suggest that Western powers might re-engage with Assad to fight Islamist extremism at the price of dropping future criminal prosecutions against him and his inner circle.

Pillay said this would be a mistake. "It is always a concern of mine when justice is forsaken for political expediency or for peace negotiations."

Her office is finalizing its latest figures for the death toll in the Syrian conflict that began in March 2011, the majority civilians, to be released later this week, she said.

"What are we saying to the families of these people? Huge crimes, atrocious crimes has been committed by both sides and there has to be accountability for this," she said, referring to both Syrian government forces and rebels.

Activists and civil society should be consulted on any rapprochement with Assad, she said, adding: "They are bound to ask what kind of peace will then be achieved."

The U.N. General Assembly has approved Jordan's U.N. ambassador, Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid al-Hussein, as her successor making him the first Muslim and Arab to hold the post set up 20 years ago.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014





(More) fukkery from Police in Ferguson: This
was a driven billboard purchased by The Color of Change, leading the Million Mask March last night. Police have given no clear reason for the arrest. There’s seriously no limit to the pettiness of the cops in SLC.


....Fuh Q.
May 1, 2012
Just got off the horn with my cousin...Hearing reports the Nat'l Guard will be here either tomorrow or Saturday at the earliest...I just told him that my gut tells me there will be a heavy presence on the Lower North to Deep South of St. Louis City and West County areas besides the obvious hotbed (Ferguson, Berkley, Dellwood, Moline Acres, Bellefountaine, and the edges of Florissant/Hazelwood)

Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
look at this journalist for the stl post dispatch. a certified racist cac piece of shyt.

every article he writes he takes the oppurtunity to shyt on black folks. more so as of late since the mike brown execution...he ride strong for cops and crackers...

McClellan: A cop's wife waits and worries
By Bill McClellan bmcclellan@post-dispatch.com 314-340-8143
Nov 7, 2014 12:15 AM
Elizabeth was in law school and waiting tables at a Pasta House when she met Joe. He was waiting tables, too. He was an interesting guy. Smart and funny and idealistic in a quirky kind of way. His dad was a doctor, but Joe wanted to be a cop. He had graduated from Southwest Missouri — now Missouri State — and then had gone to the police academy in St. Charles.

He was out of the academy and waiting for a job offer when he met Elizabeth.

He didn’t want to be a big-city cop, and he didn’t want to be a federal agent. He wasn’t looking for anything glamorous. He got on at a small municipality in west St. Louis County and then he moved to a town in Jefferson County.

By then, Elizabeth was out of law school. She and Joe got married. That was in 2002.

A couple of years later, Joe got a job on the Clayton Police Department. Pleasantville, I like to call it. It’s an interesting place to be a cop. It’s a generally well-to-do community where citizens can be a pain in the neck. They expect a certain deference, a certain level of service. And while there are no ghettos in Pleasantville, it is close enough to some tough neighborhoods that street crime occasionally spills over.

Maybe 100 years ago, tough neighborhoods meant poor Irish neighborhoods. Now it means poor black neighborhoods. We all understand that. Certainly, the cops do, but in addition to being a well-to-do place, Pleasantville is essentially liberal. Protect us from street crime, but don’t do any racial profiling.

Challenging orders aside, it’s a nice place to be a cop.

Of course, being a police officer anywhere is potentially dangerous. A seemingly routine traffic stop can be deadly. Plus, Joe has had some tough assignments. He was one of the cops who responded to a home invasion in progress on an exclusive private street a few years ago. That scared Elizabeth.

Mostly, though, she puts dark thoughts out of her mind. For that matter, her own job is dark. She works in family law. That means divorces. It is odd to spend your work days sorting through the rubble of other people’s marriages, and then come home to a husband and two small children. A perfect family. Only a divorce lawyer knows how fragile they are.

So you separate yourself from your work. Lots of people do it.

But it is not easy for Elizabeth to separate herself from her husband’s work these days. The clouds that hang over the St. Louis region are especially dark over the homes of police officers and their families. A storm is coming. No one knows how bad it will be.

“I am stressed out,” said Elizabeth.

For weeks, rumors have swirled about the grand jury’s investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown. Mostly, the rumors say there will be no indictment against Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who shot him. It’s as if the sword of Damocles hangs over the region.

Recently, protesters raged at the St. Louis County Council.

“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down,” one speaker shouted.

After Brown was shot in August, the unrest that captivated the nation was mostly centered on a small strip of West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson. If there is more unrest to come, will it be confined to Ferguson, or will it be more widespread? Maybe it will come to Clayton, the county seat where the grand jury is meeting. Already, there have been marches in Clayton.

Elizabeth is not only worried about potential trouble in Clayton. She said she senses a fierce hostility toward police officers. She talked about computer hackers who were posting home addresses of officers online. Family information, too. Terrifying stuff. (Elizabeth and Joe are not their real first names.)

I told her the general public seems strongly in support of the police. At least, that’s what my emails and phone calls would indicate. People are angry that people are angry. It’s a mess. I asked if she didn’t notice the same thing from her friends, that people are supportive of the police.

She shrugged and said that she and her husband mostly hang around with other police families these days.

She’s also unhappy with the media. “Peaceful protests,” she said sarcastically. Although Joe was not sent to Ferguson during the unrest, many of his friends were. They talked about people taunting them and throwing things at them. Even the sound of gunfire. Hardly peaceful.

Yes, I said, we were fortunate it didn’t turn into Kent State. The police were more disciplined than were the National Guard. As bad as it might have looked to the world, it could have been much worse.

As the storm clouds gather again, everybody worries, but nobody more so than police families.
