Attacking a police officer from 20 to 30 ft away (possibly 100ft according to some)? How do you attack a police officer while running away?I was referring to the innocent store owner.
Put the kool-aid down and step away from the table. Witnesses also said he wasn't trying to surrender. What exactly makes you decide to listen to only the ones that support your pre determined position? "Gunned down in clod blood and left lying in the street" can also translate to "Shot while attacking cop and the crime scene preserved while an investigation was conducted". The prosecutor is biased? Proof? The "Black Community"? What about the "White community"? See how that sounds? Grand juries are controlled? Why even have them then?
Gee, in a neighborhood where "snitches get stitches" we have somebody wondering why they haven't seen somebody sticking their face in front of the camers taking the cops side of events? Instead we have his buddy that just helped him commit assault and an aunt...who wasn't there....telling stories grossly at odds with all THREE autopsies.

Oh so the construction workers where his buddies now?