true but i don't think the cops said he had gun but a gun was found(most likely plantin). they're clever with words and how it will be interpreted, its on us to not be trick/or fall for it like we dont come from a past with fbi/america government spying on our black empower movements and occupied black nations.tried tellin folks city cops known for plantin guns on people...
police chief ham Dotson knew his dog was Lyin, combed thru myers facebook to find a a year old pic of a gun. go find one similar(stolen sept 26th this year)shoot it. and say it was his gun. people act like this is something that's impossible, like the pigs don't have the resources to pull this off
You beat me too it, might as well be CAC instead if CoxCox ceo
less is better you cant escape from white ppl or the institutions they paved paradise .KOohbt did say do everything you can sometimes its the little things that you can doCox ceo
true but i don't think the cops said he had gun but a gun was found(most likely plantin). they're clever with words and how it will be interpreted, its on us to not be trick/or fall for it like we dont come from a past with fbi/america government spying on our black empower movements and occupied black nations.
Forward this to the NY Times. Maybe they'll conclude that these cops are... no angels.
This, said he got off three shots and it jammed, said when the officer walked up on him he still had the gun in his handnah they said he had it and was shooting it at them.