As you laugh, here's proof.
Craig Watkins, elected DA in Dallas, TX introduced the racial justice act and has so far freed 34 wrongly convicted men from prison via the innocence project.
Here's an article that discusses how him, along with elected Judge Gracie Lewis recently released a wrongly convicted black man from prison, without him even asking for his case to be appealed and paid him 80k/yr for every year he spent in prison
Elected Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson is also using his platform to also free wrongly convicted black. Here's a thread on it -
The previous elected Brooklyn DA Charles J Hynes was slammed by Thompson by saying he inherited a legacy of disgrace from Hynes regarding the number of wrongful convictions
And we all know that elected STL DA Bob McCulloch is on the board of the organization raising money for Darren Wilson's defense
So keep laughing about us not having black men and women in these positions of power do not matter. Because one day you might be the one pulled over by a cop, murdered, and have an entire city of elected white officials go out their way cover up your murder.