Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014






Police put up fences in preparation for tonight’s protests.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014










Today in #FergusonOctober (10.22.14): Day 75 and the resistance continues. After being denied entrance to a public meeting, protesters in St Louis occupy the county police headquarters, demanding justice for Mike Brown and for their constitutional right to assemble peacefully AND their rights as citizens to attend/participate in local government. This is power in action. This is a movement. staywoke. farfromover

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014



How can Gov. Nixon call for peace in Ferguson when Jeff Roorda is his closest ally?

Criticized around the country for his slow initial response and tone-deafness to frustrations in Ferguson, perhaps nothing causes concerned citizens to distrust Nixon more than his unwavering support of one man, Jeff Roorda, current member of the Missouri House of Representatives who is now running for a position in the state Senate in Missouri.

In 2001, Jeff Roorda was fired as a police officer in the St. Louis suburb of Arnold, Missouri, for falsifying reports in 1997 and again in 2001.

Roorda lost an appeal of his termination in the Missouri Court of Appeals in 2004 when it was deemed that he did indeed falsify reports.

In spite of being fired for police misconduct in 2001,Roorda was hired as chief of police in neighboring Kimmswick, Missouri, the following year.

Two years later, in 2004, Roorda ran for and won a seat in the Missouri state House of Representatives, where he soon was placed on the statewide Public Safety Committee.

In 2005, Roorda wrote House Bill 396, which would allow police officers to—and this is an exact quote from his bill—"collect hazardous samples without court approval, document and then destroy them, and make them admissible." While it didn’t pass, it is a shocking peek into the mind of Roorda 10 years ago.

In 2012, Nixon campaigned for Roorda.

In 2013, police assaulted a teenager in handcuffs, but were found not-guilty—with the support of Roorda, working in a new capacity as an executive with the St. Louis police union.

Here’s the awful video and outrageous comments made by Roorda.

— (Watch video here) —

In March 2014, in reference to the support of Nixon, Roorda said, "I’ve enjoyed support from Governor Nixon every time I’ve run. That support has been very important to my success."

In early 2014, Roorda wrote and sponsored House Bill 1466, which would change the Missouri sunshine laws requiring open records on police-involved incidents. Roorda’s bill would seal all records involving any/every police action and prohibit police departments from releasing the names of officers involved in shootings.

Filed exactly one week after the murder of Brown,Roorda is listed as vice president of the charity behind the Darren Wilson fundraiser.

In spite of Roorda supporting the Wilson fundraisers during a tumultuous time for the state and a new spotlight on Roorda’s troubled past, Nixon, in September 2014 campaigned again for Roorda.

Also in September 2014, Roorda continued to speak out against the use of dash cameras and body cameras worn by police officers.

(Read more)


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
they hid him for 2 months getting his story together and it still doesnt make sense

1.) why was a retreating person murdered?
2a.) how and why would an unarmed person decide to run towards a shooting person?
2b) how and why would a person that was running away decide to run back towards what they ran away from in the first place?
3.) all 7 or 8 witnesses cant be trusted?
4.) why did it take an entire clip or magazine for Darren Wilson to feel safe from an unarmed person?
5.) If Darren Wilson was scared why did he pursue the person he was scared of?

Theres more but hey....whats the point really

The whole thing is :mindblown:


Apr 30, 2012
they hid him for 2 months getting his story together and it still doesnt make sense

1.) why was a retreating person murdered?
2a.) how and why would an unarmed person decide to run towards a shooting person?
2b) how and why would a person that was running away decide to run back towards what they ran away from in the first place?
3.) all 7 or 8 witnesses cant be trusted?
4.) why did it take an entire clip or magazine for Darren Wilson to feel safe from an unarmed person?
5.) If Darren Wilson was scared why did he pursue the person he was scared of?

Theres more but hey....whats the point really

The whole thing is :mindblown:

everyone saw the coverup coming at the begining this is why I fully support the protest...but what I really want may not ever happen....I want some street justice.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Echoes of COINTELPRO in Ferguson →dailykos.com


Echoes of COINTELPRO in Ferguson

The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize. The pernicious background of such groups, their duplicity, and devious maneuvers must be exposed to public scrutiny where such publicity will have a neutralizing effect.
—J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, 1967 (in the letter above)

When Mike Brown was killed by Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson on Saturday, August 9, in Ferguson, Missouri, the outrage from the community was palpable and started within seconds of the shooting. Not only did dozens of people see or hear the shooting, which took place at the peak of a hot, sunny day, but hundreds of gathering people witnessed Brown's lifeless body laying in the middle of the street for four more hours.
Protests of raw grief and despair didn't come a few days later, but started that very day on Canfield Drive—very much fueled by the horrific wails from Brown's parents, friends, and relatives. As soon as the protests began, something else happened and it has devolved into a much uglier narrative than one could have imagined over two months ago when Brown was killed. It's as if we've gone back in time.

Police and government tactics to intimidate, criminalize, humiliate, and undermine activists started on Day 1 in Ferguson and have only gotten worse, and the tactics used echo those of an earlier era.

Officially started in 1956 by the FBI, COINTELPRO (short for counterintelligence program) subversively investigated and undermined virtually every prominent African-American leader in the country for 15 years. A veritable Who's Who of leaders, ranging from Malcolm X to Fannie Lou Hamer to Jackie Robinson to Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King were investigated and interfered with on the deepest levels. Undercover agents spied on leaders, federal informants were planted inside of their organizations, disinformation was often deliberately spread with the intention of sowing discord and strife between leaders and organizations. To this day, huge volumes of the COINTELPRO documents are redacted, fueling speculation on just what they may be hiding 40 years later.

While the program was officially ended in 1971, echoes of COINTELPRO are reverberating in Ferguson, Missouri, today and leaders on the ground and supporters around the world report feeling the attempts to discredit them are constant. Read on for more ....

While rumors of FBI involvement in Ferguson existed for weeks, it wasn't until this Reuters report was released that the FBI was actively meeting with St. Louis officials "two to three times per week" that it was fully confirmed. Since then, instances of COINTELPRO-like activities by local police and government officials appear to have had a dramatic uptick.

What you will see below is a regularly updated list of documented cases of police abuse, humiliation, misinformation, outright lies, coercion, informants, plants, and more. This list will be updated regularly.

August 9

—Just hours after Brown was killed, angry police dogs, in a throwback to the civil rights movement, werebrought to the site of the shooting to intimidate protestors.

August 10

—St. Louis Police Chief John Belmar, the day after Mike Brown's death, holds a press conference about the shooting and tells a fundamental lie about how far Mike Brown's body was found from Darren Wilson's SUV. In his press conference, on two separate occasions, Chief Belmar said Mike Brown's body was found 35 feet away from the SUV, but it was actually found over 100 feet away - a significant difference.

August 12

—When asked to justify the use of military-grade equipment and weapons, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, speaking to the press said, referring to the protestors, "people are using pipe bombs and so forth." To this very day, not one shred of evidence exists that any protestor ever set off a single pipe bomb.

August 15

—At the press conference in which Ferguson Police Chief Jackson first planned to announce the identity of the officer who killed Brown, he instead released a packet of information with photos and a link to a video, against the explicit request of the Department of Justice, showing Brown in a local convenience store allegedly stealing cigars the day he was killed. His implication throughout the press conference, as he then pivoted to identifying Darren Wilson, was that Wilson was aware that Brown committed what Jackson was calling "a strong-armed robbery" and that the shooting was related to the "robbery." Later that day, after the damage was already done, Jackson held a small press conference to clarify that Wilsonwas unaware of the convenience store incident when he confronted Brown. Later, changing his story for the third time, Jackson said Wilson "may" have knownabout the incident after all, but that he wasn't sure.

When asked why he released the video footage from the convenience store at the exact moment he planned to release the identity of Wilson, Jackson claimed that the department was "forced" to do so after repeated Freedom of Information Act requests were made for that specific information. When asked to produce documents proving the requests were made, he said they were made verbally and that the department didn't document them.

Not one media outlet to date has reported pressing a request for access to this footage.