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black on black crime you say?!!!...Trés Bold monsieur...trés bold!but your question is still appropriate
Yall only get outraged when a white person kills a black person...wheres the outrage every weekend in every major city?
This hasnt even gone to trial yet.
But you cant compare the two because there is always a complex story to untangle when police are involved.
bruh...only about 30%-40% of murders are solved nation wide.
I know people that have beat murder cases that im pretty sure actually did the dirt.
Ive lived in just about every type of community...and if you say its the police you gotta look out for in the hood, you are not being real.
Ive done illegal shyt, and got let go from the cops because I dont resist.
There is never this amount of outrage when people get killed in the hood...its just accepted as how things are.
It hasnt even been a week and people are acting like they let this cop off.
that shyt is brilliant, she even tossed in the "just world" research article![]()
To me it doesn't even matter, Even if he did go for his gun, how many times do you have to shoot somebody to get them off you?
1.) Most nikkas not going for a cops gun even if the cop didn't have it pointed at him.
2.) Homeboy must of been on some hulk type stuff to get shot and still come after the cop( face it if you get shot, you either falling or running )
So I don't see how they can twist this story.