Unfortunately this is true. Even with an indictment there's no reason anyone should have faith in a conviction. That still does not excuse not bringing up charges on this murderous pig.
The question is where do we go from here. Black people in America dont have the guns to win a streetfight with police. We also dont have the international allies to put their foot on these cacs necks. Talking realistically, I think we can agree that moving from one country to another is hard enough for one person, let alone thousands if not millions. For the black masses migration to some African nation or any other country is not an option. But we should be serious about establishing Black bases and strongholds in the US, one in the Southeast, one in the Northeast, one on the West Coast and one in the Midwest where we can have more control of our communities. Integration was a failed experiment
This whole thing is surreal, the level of corruption dealing with this case is that of a HOLLYWOOD screenplay. Holder was saying he would try to get civil rights charges against GZ & we never heard anything else about it, he went to ferguson but I think it was all for show & it was to ease tensions plus he's on his way out of office so no civil rights violations will come against wilson either.
Seeing the level of corruption from the city officials, law enforcement, mayor, governor & prosecutor there was/is little faith there would be an indictment. Another troubling aspect of this case is all the money raised for wilson "defense" he will get & can fade into obscurity or atleast try to.
After the tainted grand jury comes back & says NO indictment the black devout christians will say "let GOD deal with it" & wanna sang & pray & hold vigils, the miltant & frustrated blacks will "lets strap up, get your guns & let's go to war".
Personally I'm tired & fed up with saying letting "GOD deal with it", we did that with sean bell, trayvon etc... We're tired of turning the other cheek, We're tired of being told no matter how articulate we are, no matter how we dress, no matter what we drive, no matter how high our education level is we're still just nikkas to them & we're tired of being told our life & our's people's life don't matter.
We don't have money to war to war with the government & police & they would love nothing more but to put even more of us in body bags & its because of FEAR. Also the c00ns in this country are doing as much damage as the racist cacs, they gotten their nikka wake up calls but the choose to go with the flow. I don't have all the answers, none of us do but damn we gotta invoke change & the root of it has to be money.