When Cops Get Away With Murder: The Media Prepares for Wilson to Duck Charges
Pictured: Darren Wilson, killer cop, at Ferguson City Council in February.
The New York Times broke a major story on Friday, revealing much anticipated details about a federal investigation into the August 9th murder of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager gunned down by police.
to the Times:
"The officials said that while the federal investigation was continuing, the evidence so far did not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson. To press charges, the Justice Department would need to clear a high bar, proving that Officer Wilson willfully violated Mr. Brown’s civil rights when he shot him."
Aside from the absurdity of needing to “prove” that an unarmed teenager has been violated when he is gunned down and left dead in the street for four hours, this leak from the federal investigation should be viewed with the utmost seriousness.
The Times and its sources are attempting no less than a further smear campaign against Brown, uncritically regurgitating law enforcement sound bites meant to justify this young man’s murder.
Special attention should surely be paid at this juncture, since we are rapidly approaching the month of November, when many observers predict the investigating grand jury will let Wilson off scot-free.
The “new information” from federal investigators, fed to the sycophants at
The Times, is not new information at all, but an attempt to rewrite history in favor of the cops, on the premise that police can be trusted, or never lie. “Forensic tests show Brown’s blood on Wilson’s gun”, they say, while implicitly questioning the credibility of numerous witnesses who saw Brown choked and attacked at the door of the police car,
and shot at long range while running away.
The Times’ coverage of this can be understood an idealogical offensive, meant to prepare us for what is now beginning to look inevitable: no charges from the Grand Jury, legitimization for Wilson and his fascistic supporters, and a pre-emption of the anger and unrest that is sure to be re-ignited when this non-verdict comes down.
Their article reads like a primer in cop apologism:
"Police officers typically have wide latitude to use lethal force if they reasonably believe that they are in imminent danger."
"The officials briefed on the case said the forensic evidence gathered in the car lent credence to Officer Wilson’s version of events."
Never mind that "the officials" briefed on the investigation are unnamed: their purpose is served well enough to sow doubt as to Wilson’s guilt without identifying themselves or their relationship to the case. We should expect no less from the news organization whose journalists saw fit to peg Brown as
"no angel" while his body was scarcely laid to rest.
But the body count speaks for itself. The cops kill. The cops lie. They kill and then they lie, and they get away with it, with paid vacations.
The media nods right along. Endlessly they return to their refrains of subservience to authority: ‘Police said,” “According to Police”, “Investigators say”.
But don’t be fooled by the media’s latest attempts to slander Brown and exonerate Wilson.
A killer cop is a killer cop is a killer cop.
An unarmed teen is an unarmed teen is an unarmed teen.
The media lies and the media lies and the media lies.
R.I.P Mike Brown! We won’t forget this shyt, no way!