Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
“Baseball is America’s pastime. I don’t get it,"
:mjlol: of course you dont get it, you stupid hog...fukk ur pastime, and Amerikkka with an Aids infected dikk
Waving the American flag upside down is disgraceful. My granddaddy died for this country. I’d smack that flag out of his hand if I could."
fukk ur granddaddy, hope he died a slow and painful. please try to smack any of those protesters and get your wig pushed all the way back bytchboi :usure:
While there were no major conflicts between demonstrators and Cardinals fans, one protester said someone tossed a cigarette and lighter at the group.
look at these devils, trying to provoke people who arent harming them one bit, cocksuckers

I love it. Got these palefaces boo-hooing over a game, meanwhile three people where murdered by the state without due process within the last 3 months

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Everything we know about VonDerrit Myers Jr.

  1. VonDerrit Myers was 18-years-old when he was shot at #17times, on Wednesday, 7:30pm, 10/08/2014.

  2. The officer that shot him was OFF-DUTY at the time of the killing. He was also wearing his St. Louis Police Department uniform.

  3. The police stated that VonDerrit Myers had a gun on him at the time of the shooting. Eyewitness accounts debate that. We do know the St. Louis Police Department has tried to plant a gun on ANOTHER young black man THIS YEAR. The store manager of says VonDerrit bought a sandwich and DID NOT have a gun.

  4. The police also stated that he jumped out of some bushes
    , but we now know that

    there were NO BUSHES.
  5. The fatal shot was in VonDerrit’s right cheek, he was also shot 6-7 times below his waist.
  6. We now know VonDerrit Myers was a father.


Aug 12, 2012



— (Read Shaun King’s article) —

And we also had specific political leaders merely weeks ago saying that all of this going on at once reminded them of the "60s".....especially with these "iconic images"....Remember the one with the guy who threw the tear gas back? This in combination of the "anniversary" dates of momentous occasions like the signing of the VRA and the CRA, assassinations of Medgar Evers and soon to be Malcolm X, Freedom Summer,etc...

Some momentous events will be happening this decade and I wouldn't say they are necessarily positive...

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Security firm involved in shooting of St Louis teen has history of lawsuits

Company that employed off-duty police officer who shot Vonderrit Myers Jr has paid out settlements over other incidents

A protester marches through the streets during a demonstration in Clayton, Missouri, in the wake of the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. Photograph: Jim Young/Reuters

The security company for which a St Louis police officer was working when he shot dead a black 18-year-old this week paid out tens of thousands of dollars to settle lawsuits over incidents involving other off-duty police officers working for it, according to the plaintiffs in those suits.

Vonderrit Myers Jr was killed on Wednesday evening by a 32-year-old city police officer who was working a shift as a security guard for GCI Security. St Louis police said that Myers shot three times at the officer, who has not been named, and that the officer fired repeatedly in response.
The shooting has drawn attention to the widespread practice of St Louis police officers working second jobs as private security guards. The officer who shot Myers was wearing his police uniform at the time, something permitted by the department. GCI alone was reported in 2012 to employ 168 police officers.
Jeff Smith, a former Missouri state senator, said on Twitter on Friday that he had previously lived on Flora Place, the residential street in south St Louis that the officer involved was guarding. “Fee was $500/yr per house,” he wrote.
Court records show that under its previous name of Hi Tech Security, the firm settled a 2011 personal injury lawsuit brought by the family of a man left brain-damaged by an incident involving an off-duty St Louis police officer who was working for the company at the time. In 2010, it settled a lawsuit from a man who alleged that he was arrested roughly, threatened at gunpoint and then jailed after being stopped while driving through a neighbourhood by Hi Tech.
Plaintiffs in both cases told the Guardian on Friday that Hi Tech paid them each more than $70,000 in settlements. Hi Tech’s owner, Adam Strauss, sold the company in 2011 to Gary Cole, his operations manager, who renamed the company GCI.
A message left on Friday for Cole was not returned. A dispatcher for GCI, who would only give her name as Ginger, said: “We bought Hi Tech and took ownership three years ago this month. The owner from that time is no longer involved. The incident this week is being dealt with entirely by St Louis police.”
The 2011 lawsuit was brought by the family of Andrew Himeles, who alleged that he was left with brain injuries after he was detained outside the Europe nightclub in October 2010 by Sergeant Robert Ogilvie, a St Louis officer who was working there for Hi Tech, and a nightclub staff member. The lawsuit named Hi Tech, Ogilvie, the nightclub employee, and the nightclub owner.
Himeles, then 27, was handcuffed following a heated dispute with his girlfriend. Police said later that he fell to the ground while trying to flee with his hands cuffed behind his back and cracked his head on the ground. His father, David, alleged to the Guardian on Friday that his son was in fact struck on the head. He said Hi Tech made a payout that left Himeles with about $70,000 after some medical bills and legal fees had also been covered.
Himeles’s father said that his son, who already suffered from schizophrenia, was in a coma for a week and required months of rehabilitation. He added that the left side of his son’s body was partially paralysed, leaving him walking with a limp, unable to use his left arm fully, and with his speech impaired.
“He’ll be like that for the rest of his life,” said David Himeles. “He gets stopped and reprimanded all the time, as people think he’s drunk. He has to explain to people, and they don’t believe him. They think he’s spaced out on drink and drugs. His life isn’t very much.”
Ogilvie and St Louis police did not respond to requests for comment about the incident.
Hi Tech had the year before settled a lawsuit brought against the firm and its then owner Strauss by Tom Dobrowski, a businessman from Chicago, who spent a night in jail with his son after a brush with Hi Tech security guards, including off-duty police officers, in May 2008.
Dobrowski said he was driving his son, Michael, home from St Louis University, when the pair decided to drive through an area with “pretty scenic streets” and “beautiful old homes”. He said he was stopped by a Hi Tech security guard who yelled at him that they were trespassing and demanded his driver’s licence. When Dobrowski declined, the guard “pulled me towards him and slammed me down on the hood of his car and tried to handcuff me,” he said.
Then 49, Dobrowski escaped the guard, fled in his car and called 911 to report “we were having a problem with a crazy security guard”. But he was soon pursued by more Hi Tech guards – two of them off-duty police officers in uniform – who, he said, tried to run him off the road. Dobrowski said that several guards, including Strauss, pointed guns at him and one tried to pull his 19-year-old son out of their car through a window, injuring his shoulder.
They were arrested. “I was in the back of the security car ... totally confused on why I had been arrested by security people, and not understanding why some police officers were driving security cars,” he said later in a letter of complaint to the police. “I did not understand why we were arrested. It was like a bad dream.”

Dobrowski was accused of assaulting the guard who tried to detain him. He said that he and his son were jailed overnight and forced to share a cell with an alleged killer and an alleged rapist. He said on Friday that after he sued Hi Tech, the firm paid him a settlement of between $70,000 and $100,000. “It was totally ridiculous,” Dobrowski said, “they were just a bunch of bullies”.
Dobrowski provided surnames of the police officers allegedly involved, but these could not be confirmed with St Louis police, who did not respond to requests for comment.
The St Louis Post Dispatch reported in 2011 that a Board of Police Commissioners inquiry into the incident later ruled that it was improper. It agreed to strip Strauss of his security licence, according to the newspaper, but the two police officers involved were not disciplined. Strauss could not be reached for comment on Friday.
