Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014










HAPPENING NOW (10.9.14): Another young black man, 18-year old Vonderrit Myers, has been killed by a police officer, miles away from Ferguson. St Louis (STL) is turnt the fukk up right now. They literally ran the police out of the neighborhood, and are currently marching around the city. Details are still emerging, but from eye witness accounts, the young man was shot 17 times after the cop mistook a sandwich for a gun. My heart and soul are with the people of STL tonight. See you on Friday for #FergusonOctober. #staywoke #blacklivesmatter

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
  • Trayvon Martin just had skittles and tea, he was unarmed.
  • Michael Brown had nothing and was unarmed.
  • Sean Bell was on his way to his own wedding, he was unarmed.
  • Eric Garner was unarmed and was killed in broad daylight.
  • Oscar Grant had nothing, he was unarmed.
  • John Crawford had a BB gun pointed down while on a cellphone not threatening anyone yet was killed without him seeing it coming in all of places an OPEN CARRY STATE.
  • Renisha Mcbride needed help after an accident, she was unarmed.
  • Darrien Hunt was cosplaying with a toy sword, yet was shot in the back.
  • Jonathan Ferrell, same as Renisha needed help, he was unarmed.
  • Now we have Vonderrick Myer, armed only with a sandwich shot down at only 18 years old same as Michael.
I think this tells us that Black men should start arming themselves


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


Jim Dalrymple II of Buzzfeed News confirms that a 32-year-old white St. Louis police officer shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old African-American Vonderrick Myers.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

A St Louis city policeman shot and killed a young male suspect on Wednesday, authorities said, bringing new tension as protests continue over the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black teenager in August.

The officer had attempted to stop the fleeing suspect, the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department said on Twitter. During the chase on foot the suspect turned and fired at the officer, who returned fire and fatally wounded him, the force said.

he officer was not hurt and a gun was recovered from the scene, police said.

Some accounts of the case said the young man, named locally as Vonderrick Myers Jr, 18, had only been carrying a sandwich. Teyonna Myers, 23, of Florissant, said Myers was her cousin. “He was unarmed,” she told the St Louis Post-Dispatch. “He had a sandwich in his hand, and they thought it was a gun. It’s like Michael Brown all over again.”

Police spokeswoman Leah Freeman told CNN said the officer had been off-duty and working an approved second job when he attempted to stop Myers for a “pedestrian check”. He had been wearing his police uniform.

The Post-Dispatch reported that dozens of protesters assembled at the scene afterwards in south St Louis, within miles of the city of Ferguson, which has been racked by near-nightly protests following the fatal 9 August shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Police officer fatally shoots teenager in south St. Louis

UPDATED at 6 a.m. Thursday

ST. LOUIS • Another police-involved fatal shooting of a teenager, this time in south St. Louis not far from the Missouri Botanical Garden, led to hours of protests overnight Wednesday and into Thursday morning as an angry crowd gathered quickly when news spread across social media.

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said the officer was off-duty, working a secondary job for a private security company, when he fatally shot an 18-year-old male Wednesday night.

Police say the teen had opened fire on the officer. The officer was unhurt.

Relatives of the teen who came to the scene said the victim had been unarmed. They identified him as Vonderrit Myers Jr., 18.

Teyonna Myers, 23, of Florissant, said Myers was her cousin.

“He was unarmed,” Teyonna Myers said. “He had a sandwich in his hand, and they thought it was a gun. It’s like Michael Brown all over again.”

Dotson, who came to the scene and gave an update to reporters after midnight, said the officer had been in a car when he saw three males in the 4100 block of Shaw Boulevard at about 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. One of the males started to run away but stopped. The officer did a U-turn and then all three ran. The officer drove through streets following them, and then he got out and chased them on foot.

Assistant Police Chief Alfred Adkins said the teen the officer was chasing jumped from some bushes and struggled with the officer.

Dotson said a physical confrontation escalated into gunfire.

The teenager had a gun and fired at least three shots at the officer, who returned fire, the chief said. The teenager attempted to fire more but his gun jammed, Dotson said.

The officer fired 17 times, he said. It is unclear how many times the teenager was struck.

Police said they recovered a 9mm Ruger.

Dotson did not identify the 18-year-old but said he "was no stranger to law enforcement."

The chief said he is unaware of any video that captured the shooting.

The officer, 32, is a six-year veteran of the police department, Adkins said. Police did not identify the officer.

Word of the officer-involved shooting quickly spread across social media, and crowds of angry people began showing up and flooded the streets.

The crowd numbered about 300 at its peak. Random gunshots fired by someone near Shaw caused many to scatter. At least two rounds of gunshots were heard near the scene.

Several police cars were damaged. A crowd surrounded a police SUV and someone kicked and broke a taillight. Someone in the angry crowd broke out a rear window of a police SUV as it drove away.

Police closed Grand between Russell and Interstate 44 before midnight. A tactical team showed up to order people out of the street. Some protesters were sitting in the road. Others marched north on Grand. They shouted, "Black lives matter."

The crowd included several who said they were Myers’ relatives. Some shouted at police, and some were in tears.

By about 4 a.m., Grand was reopened to traffic in both directions and most of the protesters had left. About 40 people stood on the corner at Shaw as thunder rumbled in the distance.

Jackie Williams, 47, said Myers was his nephew and lived with him in the 4200 block of Castleman Avenue, near the shooting scene. He said he had talked to several people who had been with his nephew or saw the shooting.

“My nephew was coming out of a store from purchasing a sandwich. Security was supposedly searching for someone else. They Tased him,” Williams said. “I don’t know how this happened, but they went off and shot him 16 times. That’s outright murder.”

A police spokeswoman said the officer did not have a Taser.

Williams said Myers worked at a warehouse and attended high school.

Lavell Boyd, 47, lives in the neighborhood and said he happened upon the scene as he was going to a store on Shaw to pick up a sandwich. Boyd said he heard 14 or 15 shots as he was in his car.

“When I pulled up I saw the cop standing over him (Myers) then he pointed the gun at everyone else telling everyone to get back while he was searching for another clip,” Boyd said.

Boyd said he heard others nearby telling the officer “you killed my friend.”

Several neighbors also gathered at the scene. Some said they were surprised by the shooting.

“This is not normal,” said Dorenda Townsend, 42, who lives in the Shaw neighborhood. “I’ve lived here over 20 years.”

Some also expressed concern that the shooting involved police.

“I pray this is not another Mike Brown situation,” said Sharon Norman, 50, referring to a shooting in August in Ferguson in which a police officer fatally shot a teenager, which has prompted many protests.

Dotson said there had been no arrests of those involved in the protests that followed.

David Carson of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
