Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday that the United States was watching protests in Hong Kong closely and urged a peaceful solution to the issue.

fukk Obama
ridiculous :snoop:

I didnt expect much from a corporate puppet but still. The U.S. is a shameless p.o.s.

I hope the Chinese say they are watching protest in Ferguson closely in return.


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
While we on this topic also:

Would it surprise anyone if it turned out the US were funding and promoting the Hong Kong protests just to deflect from what's happening here? :ohhh:

Instead of fixing problems at home they rather try to make other countries look bad and change the headlines. Pathetic. :smh:


Dec 30, 2013
Huey Newton

Medgar Evers

Stokely Carmichael

Angela Davis

Louis Farrakhan

Mumia Abu Jamal

James Baldwin

There have been many, from various walks of life, who took up our struggle. Cacs have been very successful at dividing and conquering, but we are still here. A lot of people fail to grasp that it was only 500 years that we were brought here. That is a mere grain in the sands of time. The struggle continues, but the strategy must change. We must stop protesting ( they won't listen ) and start fighting.

It's good to see a like minded person. Gathering with your hands up to protest the sanctioned shooting of an innocent boy shot with his hands up is akin to admitting defeat. I'm glad to see people standing up to the man but what happens if he's acquitted? More rioting? More destroying of your own neighbourhoods?


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012

Home » Justice » #Ferguson: Cops Wear “I Am Darren Wilson” Bracelets

#Ferguson: Cops Wear “I Am Darren Wilson” Bracelets

We all know that the references to Darren Wilson and Michael Brown are getting tired. Yes, the protests have died down slightly (which is expected). We also understand that the police is not waging any more civil war (for now). There is an understanding that people are still pissed. However, some of the velocity within the protesting and demonstrating is being decelerated.

There seems to be an issue that is rearing its ugly head. In fact, there is a conclusive “duh” moment that seems to have occurred within the Ferguson, Missouri populace due to some “cosmetic choices” of some policemen within the state:

Yesterday, after reports that a mysterious fire had been set to a Michael Brown memorial, a photo allegedly depicting a Ferguson, Mo., police officer wearing an “I am Darren Wilson” bracelet, in support of the officer who shot and killed Brown, began to circulate on social media.

The photo was first published on the Instagram account MediaBlackOutUSA. In a press conference today,Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson confirmed the bracelets’ existence and argued that they were a personal statement for the officers wearing them, BuzzFeed reports. “I think that was not a statement of law enforcement. I think wearing that was an individual statement,” he reportedly said. [1]

Well, I must say that things did escalate faster than I had planned. I would eventually find people that would “support” Darren Wilson. However, I did not think that I would find a disturbing wrist band like that so soon. More than anything, I did not think any policemen would wear anything in support of Darren Wilson at all.

Darren Wilson Bracelets Equal No Justice

What those bracelets represent is a slap in the face. If there was any way to make a statement of defiance against the Ferguson community, this was a thought provoking way to do it. It should be noted that Darren Wilson is, practically, a murderer. So, wearing an “I Am Darren Wilson” bracelet only works to justify his right to kill a young man in the street. To wear that bracelet is to be blatantly disrespectful to those in Ferguson (and the world) with little regard.

With actions like the aforementioned, there needs to be an understanding of what those policemen in that area are all about. They are all not about “doing their job”. Plenty of them are about disrupting the fabric of social existence within that city. Others will specifically justify the actions of Darren Wilson with a hint of empathy. Too many of these policemen are around to take advantage and show loyalty to their badges.

So, can we end all of the “kumbaya” talk as it is? We know have the definite proof that some of the cops in the Ferguson are hard pressed to even go against their brother in arms. This relationship between the citizens and police is beyond repair in Ferguson. Darren Wilson has become the poster child for rogue police officers that have a “kill-at-will” mentalities and Marshall law tendencies. Why would any citizen want to hold hands with the same policemen that plan on strangling them?

I mean, let me be real here: there is a reason why many wanted Iyanla Vanzant to shove her “Ferguson council” she gave to those two men up her ass. This is not a “two way street” situation where two sides just can’t get it together. This is an example of one side forcing themselves upon the other. One is the predator and the other is the prey willing to fight for their life. I’m not sure Iyanla Vanzant is built for issues within the urbanely figurative animal kingdom.

Darren Wilson Bracelets are a Disgrace
Once again, America I blame you all for this stupidity. Instead of forcing someone to take the stand and bring Darren Wilson to justice, we have the blatant disrespect and admonishment of guilt on full display. Now, other cops want to make it seem like they are Darren Wilson. This doesn’t surprise anybody because there are too many pigs and not enough policemen. However, I need for people to not be shocked when the citizens of Ferguson start having a taste for bacon.



All Star
Jul 4, 2012
Decatur where its greater
I don't know if this is the thread for this but something I've been thinking about is how come it's been so easy for black people in this country to be beat on and treated disparately.

The history of the black man in this country is one of the most vicious, hateful, and malicious histories I know of and yet how many revolutionaries or fighters have come up out of all this subjugation and hatred. Other than Marcus Gavey and Malcolm X there has been very few. None that I can think of.

A woman who's been raped has a much higher chance of being raped again. The initial trauma does something to her mindset, making her much more likely to be victim and also making her stand out to other predators. I wonder if the same thing could have happened to us as a people. We are downtrodden. The amount of bullshyt we put up with as black people would not be tolerated by anyone else. Maybe slavery changed us or maybe I'm just blind but I just cannot understand how generation after generation of this shyt could happen without something like ISIS or the IRA rising up. Yes we have the black panther but that's nothing. Not even childs play. You really think Hamas would let Israeli police come into their town and shoot an unarmed Palestine boy without something blowing up.

We've been fooled into thinking there's a certain "correct" way to get justice and it keeps us from taking matters into our own hands. Everyone knows the justice system is fukked up and racism rules the day but there's still this lingering feeling that this is America...this is the 21st century...things are different now...justice will prevail. Look at how many people are sitting there expectantly as if Darren Wilson being charged will somehow save the day and wake everyone up from this nightmare. Meanwhile how many other black people have been shot since Mike Brown.

We have no power. All these riots and protests are like an abused child who's snapped throwing a tantrum in public. We got other people looking in and saying "hey it's not right how he treats that child" but nobody's gonna step in. All the parent's gotta do is fake an apology and maybe buy us an ice cream to shut us up and they can take us home and the abuse can continue the next day, and the next day, and the next day.

I know it's a clumsy metaphor but that's exactly what's happening.

Huey Newton

Medgar Evers

Stokely Carmichael

Angela Davis

Louis Farrakhan

Mumia Abu Jamal

James Baldwin

There have been many, from various walks of life, who took up our struggle. Cacs have been very successful at dividing and conquering, but we are still here. A lot of people fail to grasp that it was only 500 years that we were brought here. That is a mere grain in the sands of time. The struggle continues, but the strategy must change. We must stop protesting ( they won't listen ) and start fighting.
At this point we need a powerful idea and goal that all who are awake can grasp and stand on. People can be assassinated but a powerful idea lives on. We have to figure out a way to get everyone on the same page and stop with bullshyt petty differences we think we have and realize no matter how much money you have we're still in it together.


May 20, 2012
So after the cop walks with no indictment are folks gonna hold more marches? More candle light vigils? More half assed protest or riots?


May 1, 2012
I'm trying to figure out why would CaCs purposely tweet then delete, that the juries basically going to throw

this indictment in the bushes. knowing how it will rile us up. It's like their testing to see our reaction, so they

can better prepare themselves when this inevitable race riot break loose. All my STL/Ferguson, and Black Folks across the AmeriKKKA states, I hope y'all bracing back, cuz shyts about to hit the frying pan:patrice:
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R.I.P. King Bean #8 #24 and Little Deuce #2 Gigi
May 6, 2012
Mamba Mentality # Kobe&GiGi. #LakerNation #LWO

Everyone pay attention to this post. Reason being is that they know Wilson will walk and what is about to ensue. While it seemed like nothing to my Lady I was paying attention to what she was telling me over the past week. She use to be a Travelling Registered Nurse but stopped when we had our son. She has NEVER...and i mean NEVER got a call for assignments in St. Louis...never-the-less Missouri. Every company she's ever worked for is calling her [and a bunch of her friends that still Travel Nurse] to work assignments in the St. Louis area. Because they weren't following the story like we are it went over their heads until i told them.