Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Black is the New Black: White Privilege and White Fragility

In 1900, W. E. B. Du Bois declared that “the problem of the 20th century” would be “the problem of the color line.” His prediction is just as true for our 21st century. Black men and women in contemporary America are judged not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin. And for black Americans, such judgment is not merely hurtful or offensive. It is often fatal.

The number of African Americans killed because of their skin color is legion, and showing no signs of slowing down:

  • Michael Brown was shot to death by police in Ferguson, MO, for walking on a street.
  • Two days later, Ezell Ford was shot and killed by LAPD officers.
  • John Crawford was shot to death by police after he dropped a toy gun in an Ohio Walmart.
  • Jonathan Ferrell was shot 10 times and killed by Charlotte, NC police, while he sought medical aid after sustaining injuries in a car collision.
  • Eric Garner was suspected of selling untaxed cigarettes, and choked to death by the NYPD.

Many more human lives — not mere statistics — could be added to this tragic and unnecessary list.

This litany of unarmed, modern Emmett Tills is a reminder that in America, black is the new black. To be black is to bear in one’s own body an undeserving target, made permanently and indelibly visible by the color of one’s skin.

The scourge of lynching which plagued the American South has yet to come to a definitive end. It has certainly changed and evolved in many significant ways. What remains the same, however, is the identity of the victims of white brutality: black men, black women and black children. Accompanying the new Jim Crow in America is this not-so-new legal lynching.

Compounding the tragedy of American legal lynching is that it is often executed by people charged to serve and protect. Malcolm X had reason to quip that the KKK traded in their white hoods for police uniforms. When those who kill African Americans wear a badge, they usually are immune from justice.

It is on the altar of white fragility that these African American lives become involuntary sacrifices. For white fragility is the other side of the white privilege coin. One scholar has described white fragility as “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” Manifestations of white fragility abound in our culture.

White fragility is evident in the incessant claims of victim status by white people (usually men). A recent Pew study found that 50 percent of white evangelical Christians believe they face more discrimination than Blacks, Latinos, Jews, or Muslims. Notwithstanding the galactic gulf between such views and empirical evidence, this perception reflects a profound insecurity. Relevant to this anxiety is Nathan McCall’s observation: “Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped.”

White fragility is evident in recent efforts by school boards to whitewash American history by downplaying elements (such as slavery or even the civil rights movement) deemed too unsavory or unpatriotic.

White fragility is evident in the daily onslaught of hateful and irrational criticisms hurled at President Obama (what Frank Schaeffer called a “slow motion lynching”). President Obama has received three times as many threats on his life as former presidents.

White fragility is evident when Republican politicians (and now the Supreme Court) seek to make voting as difficult as possible for people of color.

White fragility is evident in the efforts to paint black victims of violence as the aggressors, and their killers as the victims. Such efforts follow the same revisionist script of John Ford’s westerns that depict European settlers as victims of Native American savagery.

White fragility is evident in tolerating white men who carry deadly weapons in public, but killing black people who do so. (African Americans in Chicago have actually been denied conceal carry licenses).

Just as sexual violence is a maleproblem, so too is racism a whiteproblem. White Americans are complicit in — and the primary beneficiaries of — a system that dehumanizes and erases black lives. If Howard Zinn is correct that “our problem is civil obedience,” we white Americans ought to reflect on how we might protest in order to change a system that perpetuates misery for so many. Such protest is imperative for Christians who want their lives to reflect the Jesus they claim to worship.

Protesting against a powerful system was the primary and proximate cause of Jesus’ arrest and execution. The Jerusalem temple was the epicenter of economic, political, and religious power in Judea. Violence against it was not tolerated. And this is the one time in the Gospels—aside from a curious fig tree episode — that Jesus is physically violent (Mark 11:15-17). He throws out buyers and sellers, destroys tables (the Greek word katastrefō is closer to “destroy” than “overturn”), and somehow prevents people from carrying anything.

Jesus’ violence is relevant to our contemporary context because it was a protest against a system of ethnic segregation. Jesus concludes his violent actions by citing Isaiah 56:7 – “My house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples/nations.” In its original context, the prophet Isaiah had argued that God would welcome ethnic foreigners into the temple and accept their offerings.

Yet the temple in Jesus’ day was ethnically segregated. Gentiles (non-Jews) were only allowed in the most exterior court. Ancient inscriptions warned Gentiles that they would be put to death if they passed beyond this exterior court. Gentiles were excluded from the court of Jewish women, the court of Jewish men, and the holy of holies. The temple in Jesus’ time was not a house of prayer for all peoples.

The one time Jesus expresses violence is to protest a powerful system of institutionalized racism. Christians fond of asking, “What would Jesus do,” can follow Jesus’ example by protesting and changing systems of racial injustice today.

We can aim for two specific goals: (1) establishing civilian oversight of local police departments throughout the country; and (2) providing economic reparations to descendants of former slaves (see the excellent case made byTa-Nehisi Coates). The U.S. government gave over $1.6 billion to Japanese survivors of WWII internment camps and their families. We also have a moral — and economic — obligation to descendants of slaves. By meeting that responsibility we can begin atoning for our nation’s original and ongoing sin of racism.

Pursuing these acts of justice can move us closer — even if slightly — to realizing Langston Hughes’s vision:

O, yes,

I say it plain,

America never was America to me,

And yet I swear this oath—

America will be!

Read more.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Jun 8, 2012
He went to straight deflecting mode. I feed all my friends info on this case just in case if someone try to misinform them.
Alot of people are truly misinformed on the developments in this case. But I don't blame them, they aren't passionate about it as us nor do they venture outside of traditional media outlets and news sources for differing viewpoints to draw their own conclusions.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Putting a period on this point, Al Jazeera reports that whites were 73.8 percent of the Ferguson population in 1990. 25.1 percent were Black. By 2010, 29.3 percent of the population of Ferguson was white, and 67.4 percent were Black. St. Louis, just eight miles from Ferguson, is the 16th fastest gentrifying city in the country. The population there has gone from being 28.1 percent white in 2000, to being 49.2 percent white in 2010.

But there’s more. The story of Ferguson is also a story of private interests weakening government. Creeping neoliberalism (the philosophy of free trade, small government, privatization, and deregulation of capital) is pushing government onto the margins of life in America, especially at the local level. And lest your legitimate resentment of government get in the way of understanding what this means to us, keep in mind that government is supposed to serve the public interest, while “private” interests are just that, they’re private, which means they are, by nature, exclusive.

The deregulation of private, for-profit interests, and the related marginalization of local government has set the stage for rapid gentrification all over the country. Because deregulation allows for massive amounts of capital to be held in the hands of very few people, those privileged few can build whole neighborhoods from the ground-up, bringing in grocery stores and other businesses, and driving the development of public infrastructure like transit lines, the cost of which is borne by everyone. What’s worse, city governments often collude with developers in order to generate desperately needed revenue, leaving displaced residents with no advocate powerful enough to save them. At the intersection of these forces, whole communities can be displaced in just a few years.

So the sorry state of government in places like Ferguson isn’t just about incompetent or insensitive government employees. It’s also about governments struggling to deal with dwindling revenue. Depravation nearly always brings out that which is ugliest within us, and racial anxiety tops the list of such ills among many whites, particularly those who live in suburbs that were created by white flight in the first place. So government turns parasitic, feeding off it’s most vulnerable residents, and justifies it with racial profiling.

What this means is that the story of Ferguson isn’t just a story of white settlers in the 21st century. It is also a story about capital. Capital is driving migration, both at the local level within cities and municipalities, and nationally. But those who are being forced to migrate aren’t just poor. Wealth polarization is so great in the United States that the most desirable urban centers are becoming the exclusive playgrounds of the rich.

— Scot Nakagawa, What Goes Down in Ferguson is an Asian American Concern – In Fact, It’s a 99% Issue

Great big-picture breakdown on how Ferguson is reflective of systemic oppression along lines of race and class, and how gentrification in cities spillover to affect outlying communities.


Dec 30, 2013
what's so crazy about this is that every single one of them know he's wrong but they hate us so much they willing to go through all this instead of throwing him under the bus and continuing the status quo. now all their dirt is being exposed and every single one of them is gonna get voted out (hopefully). just completely illogical

the mental hoops these people go through to justify the evils done against us is just :mindblown:

They know how to stick together...unlike some people :usure:
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Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
The fukk is this bullshyt?

I betcha this was written by a white person (hint: the rosa parks/MLK reference).

They want subservient negroes they can push around and not black men and women who'll stand up for themselves and won't take any shyt.
Nah they'll go to jail if they stand up for themselves right @biscuitsnbangers :sas1:
Jun 8, 2012
In 1900, W. E. B. Du Bois declared that “the problem of the 20th century” would be “the problem of the color line.” His prediction is just as true for our 21st century. Black men and women in contemporary America are judged not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin. And for black Americans, such judgment is not merely hurtful or offensive. It is often fatal.

The number of African Americans killed because of their skin color is legion, and showing no signs of slowing down:

  • Michael Brown was shot to death by police in Ferguson, MO, for walking on a street.
  • Two days later, Ezell Ford was shot and killed by LAPD officers.
  • John Crawford was shot to death by police after he dropped a toy gun in an Ohio Walmart.
  • Jonathan Ferrell was shot 10 times and killed by Charlotte, NC police, while he sought medical aid after sustaining injuries in a car collision.
  • Eric Garner was suspected of selling untaxed cigarettes, and choked to death by the NYPD.

Many more human lives — not mere statistics — could be added to this tragic and unnecessary list.

This litany of unarmed, modern Emmett Tills is a reminder that in America, black is the new black. To be black is to bear in one’s own body an undeserving target, made permanently and indelibly visible by the color of one’s skin.

The scourge of lynching which plagued the American South has yet to come to a definitive end. It has certainly changed and evolved in many significant ways. What remains the same, however, is the identity of the victims of white brutality: black men, black women and black children. Accompanying the new Jim Crow in America is this not-so-new legal lynching.

Compounding the tragedy of American legal lynching is that it is often executed by people charged to serve and protect. Malcolm X had reason to quip that the KKK traded in their white hoods for police uniforms. When those who kill African Americans wear a badge, they usually are immune from justice.

It is on the altar of white fragility that these African American lives become involuntary sacrifices. For white fragility is the other side of the white privilege coin. One scholar has described white fragility as “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” Manifestations of white fragility abound in our culture.

White fragility is evident in the incessant claims of victim status by white people (usually men). A recent Pew study found that 50 percent of white evangelical Christians believe they face more discrimination than Blacks, Latinos, Jews, or Muslims. Notwithstanding the galactic gulf between such views and empirical evidence, this perception reflects a profound insecurity. Relevant to this anxiety is Nathan McCall’s observation: “Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped.”

White fragility is evident in recent efforts by school boards to whitewash American history by downplaying elements (such as slavery or even the civil rights movement) deemed too unsavory or unpatriotic.

White fragility is evident in the daily onslaught of hateful and irrational criticisms hurled at President Obama (what Frank Schaeffer called a “slow motion lynching”). President Obama has received three times as many threats on his life as former presidents.

White fragility is evident when Republican politicians (and now the Supreme Court) seek to make voting as difficult as possible for people of color.

White fragility is evident in the efforts to paint black victims of violence as the aggressors, and their killers as the victims. Such efforts follow the same revisionist script of John Ford’s westerns that depict European settlers as victims of Native American savagery.

White fragility is evident in tolerating white men who carry deadly weapons in public, but killing black people who do so. (African Americans in Chicago have actually been denied conceal carry licenses).

Just as sexual violence is a maleproblem, so too is racism a whiteproblem. White Americans are complicit in — and the primary beneficiaries of — a system that dehumanizes and erases black lives. If Howard Zinn is correct that “our problem is civil obedience,” we white Americans ought to reflect .

Stopped reading right here...

As it ignorant as it sounds...I don't EVER want to read another article about racism written from a white perspective ever agan...cause it's very obvious at this point they don't even want to heed their own words.

Cry me a fukkin river then drown in it.

These articles are good for one thing though...they display the group think the majority of white people display and admit to their own racial superiority complex.

People like this can't be trusted as allies...or to not think of themselves before others.
Jun 8, 2012
Nah they'll go to jail if they stand up for themselves right @biscuitsnbangers :sas1:
YO...straight up and down, that reminded me of a scene out of Dead Presidents where Laurenz Tate and Chris Tucker are in Vietnam and they're in the jungle with their commander.

Laurezn Tate's character finds a dead soldier and next to him is a piece of paper that reads something like "attn: all black men...leave vietnam now" on some pro black "why you fightin a white man's war?" shyt?

Their commander...a white guy...says to him "don't listen to that commie bullshyt".

Ie...anythng towards the black cause/black unity/against white supremacy: commie bullshyt in this case.

Damn...they really are afraid of black power yo.


Jun 20, 2013
Nah they'll go to jail if they stand up for themselves right @biscuitsnbangers :sas1:

What are you insinuating by tagging me?

I support the black power movement and have said myself that blacks need/should arm & organize.

I'm not one of those "anti-violence" types when it comes to fighting oppression. That's stupid, especially historically that oppressors have always used violence. You can't be non violent to them.

If they busted dudes head open, openly on camera, with tons of police present..they'd be getting a plethora of charges, fines, ex etc..

Just cause I don't think people should bust open a racist dudes head on camera, in front of a ton of police don't mean I'm all for subversive ish...

The anti-fa in Greece, when they killed two members of the Golden Dawn (white power group) for killing an anti-fa, anti-white supremacy rapper.. they did it anonymously & spontaneously, no cameras, no nothing. And there killers still haven't been caught a year later.

Work around the system. You can get back at dude without guaranteeing a spot In prison.

Don't get it confused. I'm not anti-resistance or anti-violence.
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Dec 30, 2013
You know that boy Wilson is scared to death to even leave his house, of course he won't go to that trial. If anything I take solace in the fact that his life is pretty much over. He's always gonna have to watch his back now.

No he won't. I hate to say it but black people are the biggest pussies when it comes to this shyt. Look at all the grimy over the top shyt Zimmerman has done since walking and he's still out there starting shyt. We have been brainwashed to turn the other cheek and just take to the streets every time this happens. There's been several other shootings since Mike Brown and those cops are all gonna go home and live their lives without a worry because they know deep down a black man would rather shoot a 9 year kid kid in the head than take it to a cop that actually deserves it.

We are our own worst enemies. We've given them nothing to fear.