Juror 1: White male; married; has two kids, 19 & 16; lives in Whitehouse area; has been in Duval for 15 years; has two relatives in law enforcement; has not been a victim of a crime; was arrested as a teen 30 years ago; has a concealed weapons permit.
Juror 22: White male; married; has three children; lives at the Beaches; has been in Duval for three years; has no friends or family in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; has not been arrested.
Juror 23: White male; married; has two children; lives downtown; has been in Duval for 20 years; has no friends of family in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; was arrested once and the charges were dropped.
Juror 32: White male; married; has one 10-year-old child; lives in East Arlington; has been in Duval for 33 years; has friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime.
Juror 34: Black male; married; has two children; has been in Duval for 29 years; does not have family or friends in law enforcement.
Juror 35: Black female; single; no children; lives in Arlington; has been in Duval for 18 months; has no family or friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; two brothers were arrested for drugs and are now dead; intends to get concealed weapons permit.
Juror 41: White male; single; one son (disabled 43-year-old); lives in Mandarin; has been in Duval for 24 years; has no family or friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; has not been arrested; has a concealed weapons permit; owns a .40 Glock.
Juror 52: White female; has one 10-month-old child; lives in Atlantic Beach; has been in Duval for four years; has no family or friends in law enforcement; is a gun owner.
Juror 58: White female; single; no children; lives in San Marco; has been in Duval for three years; has no family or friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime.
Juror 59: White male; no children; lives on the Westside; has been in Duval for 10 years.
Juror 65: White female; married; five children; lives on the Southside; has been in Duval for 22 years; son is a wildlife officer; has been the victim of a crime.
Juror 70: White male; married; one 18-month-old child; lives in Arlington; brother is an FBI analyst; has a handgun.
Juror 71: White male; married; no children; lives on the Eastside; has been in Duval for 29 years; no family or friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; arrested in 1999 for DUI.
Juror 74: White female; married; one five-year-old child; lives on the Westside; has been in Duval for 32 years; has family or friends in law enforcement; has been the victim of a crime; has been arrested; has a concealed weapons permit; has three guns.
Juror 80: Black female; single; has one two-year-old child; lives in Arlington; has no family or friends in law enforcement; a family member has been arrested.
Juror 91: White female; married; has one child; lives on the Westside; has been in Duval for one-and-a-half years; has no family or friends in law enforcement; has not been the victim of a crime; has not been arrested.