I was down there tonight and it really did feel like this was the desired result to me...the vigil started off perfectly peaceful and as much as I was angered by what we were gathered for, a part of me was proud to see the neighborhood I grew up in rally together for a cause...mike's mother announced that everybody should march to the corner of west florrisant and lucas and hunt (a major intersection maybe 3/4 of a mile from canfield) and less than halfway there cops block the way in complete riot gear...a mile or so in the other direction they blocked west florrisant and chambers...so they basically put a sudden end to what had been to that point a peaceful demonstration, agitated all the anger and resentment everybody there was already feeling by making them feel like they were being occupied by an hostile army, then basically quarantined a now furious crowd of like a thousand in the street unable to leave the area...the area was locked down with nobody able to leave or come for at least 3 hours...then they just stood there and literally watched the looting go on for the entire time...the neighborhood was essentially a combination of Purge and Hamsterdam on the wire...the whole thing was surreal...about a block away from that QT that was pretty much the catalyst of the looting (and pretty much my official "corner store" as a kid...the type of spot your mom or big homie or uncle sends you to..i got caught stealing a video magazine out of there in like the 4th or 5th grade) , a young dude that couldn't been any older than 16, 17 punched an old white dude who was a reporter walking around with a notepad...he yelled for his homeboys to come jump him and me and an older woman had to physically grab him and tell him to chill out...seen people letting off shots in the middle of the street...in all honesty things could have easily gotten FAR worse than it did...i've detached myself from moralizing the looting for the moment, just don't have it in me...will only say i would've stopped it if i could