loyola llothta
There has been a lot happening in Boston.
This is a photo I took of a photo spread inSpare Change News a few days ago…. This is at the National Moment of Silence that was hosted in many cities across the world standing in solidarity with Ferguson. You can see Guillermo in two of these. He’s the cute one with the fedora.
There has been a lot of organizing in Boston. On Sunday, Lissa, Lewis and I went to Reverend Osagyefo Sekou's service at the First Baptist Church in JP. Sekou is from Ferguson, and went back there for two weeks to join the protests. You may have seen him on Democracy Now, or a number of different interviews. Rev. Sekou has been a huge supporter Flatline, and has been a personal support to a few of us times of great need. Truly, I cannot put into words what an incredible and selfless person he is.
On Sunday night, the First Baptist Church hosted an event called Beyond Ferguson: A Boston Call to Action, where representatives from Black Lives Matter,Youth Against Mass Incarceration, Spare Change, Burell Ramsey’s father, and many other poets, artists, and community organizers met to share stories and poetry, and to network and organize.
We decided that we would continue to meet at the First Baptist Church every first Sunday of the month at 6pm. If you would like to get involved, please check out the links in this posts, follow the FB pages and twitters of these youth movements, and join us next month. Please feel free to personally reach out to any of us in Flatline, too, if you have questions.
One of the things Rev. Sekou said on Sunday that resonated with me the most was, “We don’t need allies. We need freedom fighters.”
The question I have heard so many people asking after Ferguson is, “What now? How do we keep this alive?” The truth is, this movement can’t die. Youth all over this country and all over the world are stepping up and becoming leaders of grassroots movements that are already too powerful to be silenced.
This isn’t a riot. This is a revolution. And as the Reverend said so many times on Sunday, “We’ve already won.”
- Kaleigh out there in Boston