This is touching. somebody on my fb shared it:
I had to pray & sleep on this. I'm speaking to myself mostly but please read. So STL Family (near & far), please STOP acting surprised about the looting. Please STOP saying the looters are dumb, stupid, etc. and an embarrassment. The true reason WE are embarrassed is because "those looters" ARE our families, particularly OUR YOUTH that WE have allowed to be raised in failing school systems, that WE didn't attend parent/teacher conferences for when WE knew that their momma or daddy wouldn't go, that WE didn't pick up or wake up to go to church, that WE taught to focus on the accumulation of material items was the picture of success, that WE didn't take the time with to develop a game plan for their life, that WE stop associating with YEARS AGO because WE didn't have time for that type of negativity, that WE allowed to go daycare for teenagers opps I meant high schools that didn't challenge or prepare them, that WE moved away from because WE were taught that getting out of the HOOD and NEVER come back was the picture of success, that WE allow to see, hear, & speak violent, degrading images of who THEY are by media DAILY, and finally that WE said that WE were so out of touch with the youth that WE can't deal with THEM. The solution IS US, because WE allowed the problem to become what THEY ARE. WE can fix whatever is broken in OUR homes