Rebirth is upon Us 2025
I bet you they didnt ask black people in those states now did they???
where can i find that page on fb I wanna troll it.Darren Wilson support page.
Fukking c00ns.
I never had respect for white people's intelligence to lose any. Their entire existence in this country is propped up on a lie, a house of clumsily built cards that is about to crash onto the floor once enough of our community wakes up. An older black man me approached out of the blue yesterday as I was minding my own business while walking down the street. I had Jeezy's new album playing and he motioned me to take my headphones off. At first, I was like but after I did, he simply said ," stay alert, young man. What's goin on in ferguson can happen here. The powder keg is set to explode." And he just walked away after that. I stopped playing my music and reflected on the fact that this brother looked old enough to see MLK have his head blown off. He probably went through Jim Crow. I'm awake. I think a lot more of us are awakening. No more talking about race in America. I'm done conversing with cacs. Time to fight.bruh the cognitive dissonance made me sick to my stomach when I thought about it
i remember reading forums on this topic back when the "josie" account had credibility. People were referring to the folks who saw it and recorded it as " So called 'witnesses' " but were taking an anonymous account from someone who wasn't even there as gospel.
For all the effort they put into talking up their "smarts", I lost a lot of respect for white folks intellectually after that shyt. the fact that this story didn't fit one of their stereotypes or delusions hurt these folks and they made themselves look like fukking idiots grasping at any straw they could to fit MB into one.
He only gets away if we let him get away. Darren Wilson should never be allowed to walk the streets of Ferguson safely while in a police uniform, first and foremost. I am confident the black community in ferguson will not let that happen.We're entering a month since Mike unjust killing, and still his Racist Pig Executioner hasn't been
charge. Also. let's not forget The Pig Brigade still has their PIglet Darren Wilson on Paid Leave. Only in AmeriKKKA, a CaC is insure to get away scott free with murder
I don't know, I copy and paste this image.where can i find that page on fb I wanna troll it.
I refuse to believe that true