loyola llothta
Please share this important event date, for September 8, 2014, in protest to police brutality. Police brutality does not discriminate. If you are part of the 99%, you are a potential victim. We need to speak loud by keeping our wallets/purses closed.
If one day is not effective then a week might be the next step. The 1% would not be where they are without the financing of the 99% buying into their corporations, with our purchases. If you are black then buy from black business that day, if you need to make a purchase.
JOIN the BOYCOTT on the 8th!https://www.facebook.com/events/7110...reply&source=1
For everyone that is participating in any or all Blackout boycott events, we ask that you keep re-posting and sharing the information on the Black business apps and Black businesses/organizations. Such as:
• http://aroundthewayapp.com/
• https://www.tuloko.com/
• http://goblackcentral.com/empower-directory/
• http://purchaseblack.com/
• http://www.izania.com/black-owned-businesses/
• http://www.blacktradelines.com/Features.cfm
• http://buyblack365.com/
We request that Black business owners and organizations add themselves to these apps so our people may better locate you. Thank You for your participation.#PUMPYOURFISTBUILDANDBUYBLACK
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