Tariq cutting that check to that french dude got certain group of people
upset as hell
Antonio French in Ferguson started up an organization for voter registration and mobilization. Tariq cut him a check the other day
heres an article on it
What's wrong with that
rightI can understand Tariq's point and why people are taking offense at him. We do need legit things done( officers being arrested and thrown in jail; us getting business loans) , not nice little symbolic things(March; someone sympathizing with us). At the end of the day, I'm not going to get on the people of Ferguson when they're trying to take action.
Dorian's story has a hole or two, but, there's no way I can believe Michael got shot, ran away, then came back to attack an officer that just shot him.
Only in the most racist of minds do you believe Michael Hulked his way back for a fight.
that sounds petty as helli guess some people have issues with it because hes not the alderman of ferguson and some other stuff
when was this?