Huey Shootin
That is exactly what it's about. It's solidarity in defense of a cac police officer who gunned down an unarmed black teen. The facts don't matter. That there were three witnesses that each agree Darren Wilson exercised unjustified and excessive force that resulted in mike brown's murder doesn't matter. He's a black child whose value is zero in their eyes, and they will throw an obscene amount of support behind Wilson because of that. They are brazen in their racism nowadays because they know that the majority agrees with them. We are alone in this fight. I should add that whites are becoming more blatant with their racism because a lot of blacks are waking up. What we are seeing in Missouri is a clear and unmistakable sign of awareness by black America, and white people do not like of these things holding a sign that has "we are your voice" written on it...darren wilson isnt mute...he can speak for himself but he wont because he feels guilty and wants to run and hide ,,or he doesnt think he should have to answer for what he did...his supporters are defending darren more vigorously than he defends himself which is clear indication that preserving white supremacy is the goal...them saying "we are darren wilson" means they don't intend to relinquish the right to destroy black life without reservation ..justification..or provocation...
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