You can build AR's its not that hard. The plans and tools can all be purchased online. I plan on getting into Smithing when I have the time, right now we have to wake as many people up first. Stir the pot.Brehs who are talking about
Leaving the US...
The world is a prison to us. You just need to find a place where the negatives don't outweigh the positives...
Here in the US, Cops want us dead, Jewish/Latino neighborhood watch want us dead, Latino thugs want us dead, black thugs want us dead...
The hunt is on... Take care of your health(physical and mental)
By a registered firearm, and keep an illegal one in the crib just in case they decide to ban and collect the legally registered hardware.. Buy land, raise soldiers...
Got some more video downloaded, about to reup and send out to the media.
Using my nerd skills for the struggle