Again, life isnt a comic book, a film or a tv show. The weak are oppressed and the strong take advantage of them, because they can. Every excuse thats used to justify it, while very real, is a smokescreen. Take for example race, lets say we all were mixed with the same shyt and we achieved this raceless society. Does inequality no longer exist at that point? No, because there are still people that are ugly, people that are weak and people that have shyt other people want so there is always a reason for people to kill, discriminate, oppress others and steal. This doesnt mean that the motivations to oppress others arent real but its This doesnt mean race is not a real motivation to oppress others but power is a virtue that human beings want.but shouldn't you stick up for those people like a superhero friend? treat others as you want to be treated?
Equality for women as far as im concerned boils down to pay on the job and what that job is. If its a job a monkey can do ok fine pay them equal but if its a job where a mans strengths make him a better (job that require physical ability), women should Not be paid the same. Women can win the battles but they'll never win the war and without men to establish the rules, for them, they are lost. A woman that talks like a man with brazen courage often has laws or big dudes behind her.