nikkaz are cheaters in the making, or flat out cheaters in this thread.
when you are creating strictly sex based relstionships with women whom you have no committment to.
plus have been up front with about being just lovers with.
that are strictly lovers,....and that is it.
you converse in the beginning and after that it is nuffin but fukking them all daily.
wash and repeat.
they only call.
when they know you are not fukking someone else.
plus, they want to call you to come over, to fukk them multiple times.
cheaters fukk up the game.
for women, who want real relationships.
as they are p*ssy hourding simps. who only get p*ssy by faking a relationship for a nut.
so they have longer phone time out of trying to take advantage.
plus do not know how to actually get any, for real.
without presenting a false sense of hope for a relationship for a woman.
as cheaters typically set up getting a woman by performing girlfriend/boyfriend activities.
till enough time has passed, they are given p*ssy. instead of making the action to have sex.
cheaters do not know how to create the action to have sex. they only know how to get relationship liar sex by acting as a boyfriend.
they fukk the game up for positive realtionship types females.
who are in seek of a relationship and enjoy a communication based healthy relationship.
these cheater type ruin good relationship type women.
who also are in their formative years of the male female dialectic. thus ruining them by putting them in shock from being victimized.
cheater types victimize and traumatize these types of women as wack sexual predators.
all because they don't really get alot and will never get a lot of p*ssy.
as they come in false pretenses and any women with intuition can sense it. which is why it takes this cheater type a long term false comunication period to fuxk.
plus, rhis cheater type always usez that communication time as a withdrawal method to create distance.
by victimizing the woman and putting her in emotional shock.
as she looks to regain the false rapport.
the cheater used to get a sexual committed false relationship, in the first place.
art barr
i have basically fuxked every woman, in the past eleven years.
i was interested in and had her phone number the first day i saw them.
i did not date,..i did no lie, i did not cheat and i did not stay on the phone for long periods after acquiring the phone number.
women will fukk you as long as you confidently and securely pursue them for just sex.
women enjoy sex too...
they will also cheat on their cheater boyfriend with you.
after you just met them in one phone call and ask to come over, as well.
as you have presented a more truthful alternative for sex than her cheater bf.
which she will payback by sleeping with you as well.
art barr
i take advantage of nikkaz who have cheated on their gf,...i will fukk your girl you think is naive. or you have lied to so mucb she is looking to pay your overly possessive p*ssyhoarder lying weak ass back.
stop cheating and faking a relationship to get a nut and learn how to get some p*ssy.