They will start upping the fees eventually. The electric companies out here increase the demand and service fees for solar users so they will still make good money off you even if your generation is way lower.
This smells funny. Kind of like an advertisement but no specific product or manufacturer mentioned. Could've swore there were bills on the table or a push for solar/wind when Obama was in office and people hated the idea. But you know how that goes..
Funny thing is the people who tend to do this type of thing are also corporate boot licking Libertarians who then are SHOCKED when it turns out govt mismanagement is BECAUSE of corporate influence
Almost like....capitalism pushed to its logical conclusion means manipulation of governments
Usually when this happens the corporate people lobby to have it declared illegal...we'll see how it plays out in TX, the people there tend to be more rebellious when it suits them.
I haven't checked in a while but if I remember correctly, the federal tax subsidy expired. Since then the states have been doing their own thing. Changing local weather variables play their part as well. Nobody wants to shell out the steep up-front costs only to have a tornado or wildfires come through some months later.
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