FBI is looking to get in contract with me what should I do brehs

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
@Mr Uncle Leroy

Just had the meeting breh

It was cool

After I verified my info I was reserved and listened to what they had to say

They know what firearms was registered to me and asked was they put up

I was like yeah

Next they was trying come into the house

I was like nah:whoa:

They printed out my twitter, ig and FB stuff

Showed all this pro black stuff and said I was protected under the 1st amendment right but to understand my behavior had caught their attention

I just nodded:obama:

He said understand if you keep this up. You will continue to be on our radar. He was like nothing against you but understand our job is to protect the general public

Then he asked a bunch of questions bout my military services and said he was prior service that also deployed wth 82nd airborne div

Shook hands that was it
Glad to hear it went well.

The Feds are a slippery slope.

The way I see it is you are not a threat. You are a black protecting himself and family.

The sad thing is the Feds are trying to profile you and be nice about it.

I suggest you also let your local ACLU, EFF, EPIC, black civil group and let a civil rights attorney know, you met with them. I say that you let them know, because it might be that the FBI was breaking constitutional law by assuming or meeting with, they are profiling you. Especially with pushing to visit you at home. Just more as an FYI to let the civil rights group know. So that if anyone else has experience that they are in awares. You not in trouble, however, you should be free to say what you want, without being presumed that you would be violent. Even if its offensive. Its truthful. While they are concerned, the real concerns should be toward white racists and white oppressors, that who FBI should focus on. White racist own weapons. White racists go to black church sit with black church people and them white racist hurts black people and get fast food after. FBI need focus on white racism and get inside of the head of white racist, and protect blacks from white racist.

FBI need make police apologize and be sincere about white people making life error mistakes and wrong judgment calls on blacks.
FBI need not blame black people for being black.

You also have a right to protect yourself and be responsible gun owners.

Fight hate and bias with humanity of Ma'at mentality and make money and donate to civil rights movement.

Ma'at is semblance of ethical and moral principles that Moor and African Americans are expected to follow during their daily lives. They were expected to act with honor and truth in manners that involve family, the community, the nation, the environment, and gods

The challenge with Micah, is that Micah got frustrated. The thing with Police abuse is that the Feds needs to focus on all police make sure racist police is profiled, police unarmed shooting are prevented from hurting blacks. Police is properly trained. Racists are the real instigators. Bad police. That is the root cause. Eliminating bias, will improve nature.

The issues with FBI is sometimes while the FBI may act in good faith, it become a powder keg Manchurian type of agenda. So always keep your sanity, because the FBI agent in their mind has made some thought connections, known or unknown to you. So you have to fight or disavow any Manchurian agenda.

So always fight civilly.

Also focus on blacks needs to increase economic stability in community so blacks have choices of success, outside of street life, and black success is across all board of companys: admin, truck driver, manager, upper management, executive, that level of success. So we get to the point where we dont need police, all and most of our community is so peaceful and respectful and wealth, we respect ourselves and improve ourselves ahead of any thing else. And we use others to help us. That is what whites do with blacks. They might not be overtly racist however, they are sitting on success of white racism. And so blacks have to build their own, at any cost, at any financial cost to the white racist. And blacks have to navigate and be successful in white communities and beat whites at their games.


Jul 24, 2015
delete & burn EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!! :damn:

What movie is this ...