Isaiah Bradley

Video girls like Vida Guerra, Melyssa Ford, Summer Walker, Bria Myles, Gloria Velez, and Superhead are probably the last of the natural asses. .
I don't understand why people have a problem with this. The more fat asses the better right? Who cares if the broad wasn't born with it?
Cant believe some girls are willing to go through this.
say it aint so breh say it aint so!![]()
i dunno, i always feel cheated in a way when i know a females body isn't natural![]()
This dude is in Houston. It seems that most girls got ass here. Girls are getting it done right out of high. When I was growing up most latinas had no ass and were shaped like spongebob, now they have more ass than most black chics because of these surgeries.
This whole big ass thing is getting out of hands.
As a black dude i find those huge godzilla asses gross and unnecessary.
Why is it necessary to even have a ass that big? It looks so cartoonish.
I like a nice bubble butt like this:
Most thick chicks i know had kids already and their bodies are all flabby.
And besides, slim/petite girls with smooth legs>>>> thick girls with cellulite.