
Some of these folks are fukking delusional.
I'm already a "big guy (6'8"-9", currently 240ish)" but after fukking around, on my 27th b-day I weighed 265... my heaviest.
That was this May.
I felt shyt, my joints hurt, got winded going up a flight of stairs.
After seeing this thread and the other one with females' once thin/now fat deal, I made a change.
Ate less shytty food, exercised more...
Fast forward to October, I'm 245 range.

Not where I wanna be, but getting there.
So these fat as see have ZERO excuse.
You don't have to be a supermodel or get arms like Dwight Howard, but at least be able to run a mile without damaging near passing out.
Or see your feet without having to move you gut out of the way.
Yeah, exercise takes effort, but it took effort for you to get "take up two seats in business class" fat.
Some of y'all lazy, fat fukk boys and girls discust me.