Field Marshall Bradley
Well, I guess the article I posted isn't really from a scientific journal but at least they cited some type of source. I tried google'ing fasted cardio and everything that came up was basically he said, she one cited hard evidence to back up what they were talking about. I could probably look up articles through my university, but I don't really feel like it right now lol. I hear conflicting stuff about fitness everywhere, and pretty much just pick and choose what works for me. In this case, fasted cardio works for me.

At the end of the day, anything can be peer reviewed. At least that's the way I see it.
Low Fat High Carb diets were peer reviewed at one point, and then they were bad...
Everyone was co-signing several hours of Low to Mid intensity cardio a day and now everyone's like fall back, that's too many hours....
Atkins was hot, then it was not...
Everyone swore by the zone, and had the science to back it up, but that shyt was too big of a hassle for most people....
Then people started frowning on Bodybuilding type exercises...
Now, whole grains, whom the FDA and the free lunch folks told me was good for my body, is supposedly bad for you because of some shyt called gluten.....

You already got it figured out boo, just find out what works for you....
Aint you like already fine anyway?