Farrakhan vs Malcolm X.. Who's the Judas?

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
The fact that people still deny the illegitimate children is hilarious. Really shows that at its heart, the NOI is really a cult. When you base your entire premise on a MAN, including defending his every move and straight up issuing propaganda to deny basic facts/reality...you're in a cult.

Now Farrakhan is dabbling in scientology beliefs lol. You don't see a pattern here?

Malcolm X left a cult, exposed it, and was killed. Obviously the government played a major part in his murder but we know they assisted black men with ties to the Nation. That should tell you everything you need to know.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
@Oso you neg me
But the fact is Malcolm not only bended the truth

(Worse) he went to the white media Against a man and group who made and saved him

Definition of a judas.


May 6, 2012
@Oso you neg me
But the fact is Malcolm not only bended the truth

(Worse) he went to the white media Against a man and group who made and saved him

Definition of a judas.

Bro I'm not even gonna go back and forth with you because I don't think you're impartial.

My only ask is that you view Elijah with the same critical eye you are viewing Malcolm.


edit: and what's really worse? Going to the white media or condoning the killing of your brother? Because despite what you think the NOI was definitely involved in Malcolm's murder.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Bro I'm not even gonna go back and forth with you because I don't think you're impartial.

My only ask is that you view Elijah with the same critical eye you are viewing Malcolm.


edit: and what's really worse? Going to the white media or condoning the killing of your brother? Because despite what you think the NOI was definitely involved in Malcolm's murder.
Malcolms friends and family and even his daughter recently stated it was 100 the gov and gov agents that killed Bro Malcolm.

The hate for the noi and powerful black men is so strong among scary negros that they can't fatham the Gov did it. They are afraid to Actually say the Gov set up and executed Bro Malcolm.
In his final meetings with his team Malcolm stated that he didn't even no longer believe the NOI firebombed his home and he said it would the the Gov and not the noi who would do it.

Ntm there was an Order from all noi leadership to not harm Bro Malcolm

Even without all those Facts....It would make ZERO sense for the noi to have done it, becAuse theu gained nothing. Allllllllllllll this time later they are getting all the disses and bad press from Malcolms death, more than even the Gov. They gained nothing. Ntm at the time of Death Bro Malcolm wasnt the noi Minister Bro Malcolm every knows could fill up streets w people or fill up a college campus, he was barely filling up a room at the time- while Elijah Muhammad was filling major arenas. People in this Day n age fell in love with Malcolm due to A CAC lying Hollywood movie and CIA Agent Written Auto Bio of Malcolm.. Plus the way the mainstream society has Neutralized and made his image less extreme- so we take that and create revisionist history outta Malcolm and wear his face on Tshirts , WHILE disrespecting everything he was about.

And No, Muhammad wasnt perfect but nothing is worse than being a sell out, ungrateful , emotional, and turncoat to the white media. But we still Bro Malcolm for all his good work as a National Speaker.


All Star
Dec 18, 2016
Malcolm says he saw white Muslims while on his pilgrimage in 1964, and tried to present this as some sort of revelation. Nevermind the fact that he was in Mecca in 1959, and saw the same thing. When it came time to slander Elijah, that n-gga blatantly misrepresented the truth.

So Malcolm leaves a modern day Black Muslim leader in America because he allegedly, yes allegedly, had multiple women. But he becomes a Sunni Muslim, therefore following Muhammad ibn Abdullah, a 1400 year old Arab Muslim leader who had multiple women. So what really was Malcolm's issue?

Malcolm, after he left the Nation of Islam, said that the NOI is the best organization for Black people in America, but they must adopt Sunni Islam. (which is an idiotic proclamation) I'm still waiting for one of these clown n-gga Malcolmites to reconcile this statement with their hatred and dismissal of Elijah Muhammad and his teachings.

That El Hajj Malik El Shabazz n-gga was a confused lying hypocrite.
He never went to mecca specifically in 1959, he went to Saudi Arabia. He felt that brotherhood with white muslims when he actually went to perform the hajj at mecca in 1964 and that's why he changed his views, not just seeing them like he didn't know they existed or something.
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All Star
Dec 18, 2016
I have to admit though, there was alot of behind the scenes things going on. Things that weren't mentioned publicly.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
elijah had a weird ass god complex can't fukk with that...

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
You pussies don't even have a ounce of Malcolm's heart and manhood. We respect him as a man in Africa and the ghettos of the indigenous world. AAs, this is how you treat your leaders who made the ultimate sacrifice to make sure you b*stards can even have a shot at success? I'm not even AA and y'all disrespecting a global icon of blackness.

Act like the US gov't won't appropriate a dead man image but not his message. They did the same to MLK. Y'all some idiots on god.
The whiteman is your god.
The whiteman has appropriated both MLK's and Malcolm's messages. If you actually understood what Minister Malcolm X taught, you would be able to see this. But you, like most Malcolmites, are just a personality worshipper, and view him, like you said, as an icon, a symbol who's substance is too difficult for you to grasp.

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
You're gonna ride with Elijah no matter what breh... we get it.

Bro I'm not even gonna go back and forth with you because I don't think you're impartial.

My only ask is that you view Elijah with the same critical eye you are viewing Malcolm.

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz was a hypocrite, and your hypocrisy in this thread is not surprising. The Holy Qur'an says to argue in the best of manners, so disagreements should not be a problem. However, to knock someone for defending Elijah Muhammad, and trying to make said defense somehow seem irrational, while you do the same for El Hajj Malik El Shabazz is hypocrisy. But that is typical of Malcolmites.

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey

just did and I don't see any mention of auditing or scientology.

Personally I can't dap a man who was involved in Malcolm X's death, and I'm not a fan of their views on Jews, homosexuality, sexism/gender, etc. I like some things about them like self reliance and community safety.
Just for now, let's look at this "sexism/gender" part of this post.
The headquarters for the Nation of Islam under Louis Farrakhan is named Mosque Maryam, after the mother of Jesus, and the 19th chapter of the Holy Qur'an. Out of all of the male scriptural figures, a woman's name was chosen. One of Farrakhan's long running respected and well known national representatives is a woman. If you were to ever watch an NOI Sunday webcast, you would almost always see sisters, of all ages, addressing and teaching the veiwing public from the rostrum.
"What the Muslims Believe" Point Number 11:
"WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected"
That statement has appeared on the back page of every Nation of Islam newspaper, every issue, since 1962.
None of this is some sort of hidden or secret teaching or reality. It's right there in plain sight for the public to see. Like I always say in these threads, when it comes to sh-tting on the Nation of Islam, the facts don't matter. You're perception of the NOI is rooted in ignorance of what the organization is actually about.
The fact that people still deny the illegitimate children is hilarious. Really shows that at its heart, the NOI is really a cult. When you base your entire premise on a MAN, including defending his every move and straight up issuing propaganda to deny basic facts/reality...you're in a cult.

Now Farrakhan is dabbling in scientology beliefs lol. You don't see a pattern here?

Malcolm X left a cult, exposed it, and was killed. Obviously the government played a major part in his murder but we know they assisted black men with ties to the Nation. That should tell you everything you need to know.
If you ever were to actually listened to or read Elijah Muhammad, you would know one of his oft repeated phrases is; "Take it, (what he's saying) or let it alone." He also taught and stated that, There is no compulsion in religion, no compulsion in Islam. No one is ever forced to do anything or to remain in the temple or mosque. This notion of cult is also rooted in ignorance.
You have a problem with "basing your entire premise on a MAN," but go back to post #52 and acknowledge the works of this MAN before you imply his followers are or were foolish blind worshippers who's loyalty was without warrant. The entire premise of your life is based on the whiteman, so when a Black man strives for freedom justice and equality, your white-washed mind can't conceive that his intentions are righteous and pure.
When Malcolm left the NOI he still stated that it was the best organization for Black people in America. That's not much of an exposal in terms of what you're trying to portray about the NOI.
Message to the Blackman in America has 355 pages
Our Saviour has Arrived had 226 pages
The Fall of America has 265 pages
How to Eat to Live Book 1 has 132 pages
How to Eat to Live Book 2 has 199 pages
But some retard in the Root section of The Coli thinks he can break down "everything you need to know" about the Nation of Islam in one post filled with untruths is a real display of stupidity.

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
He never went to mecca specifically in 1959, he went to Saudi Arabia. He felt that brotherhood with white muslims when he actually went to perform the hajj at mecca in 1964 and that's why he changed his views, not just seeing them like he didn't know they existed or something.
Hajj is 1 of the 5 pillars of Sunni Islam. It is a holy event and ritual. Nobody making their pilgrimage is gonna steal your gold watch, touch a woman inappropriately, nobody is gonna call you n-gg-r. The fact that some pale or white Muslims are on their best behavior during Hajj doesn't mean they feel a true and sincere brotherhood with any Black man.

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz letter from Mecca:
America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem.
If he really believed this about Sunni Islam, he was a damn fool
During the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from the same plate, drunk from the same glass, and slept in the same bed (or on the same rug)--while praying to the same God--with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white. And in the words and in the actions in the deeds of the 'white' Muslims, I felt the same sincerity that I felt among the black African Muslims of Nigeria, Sudan, and Ghana.
So 11 days of eating some fish and drinking water with a handful of white folks convinced him that the whiteman globally can practice freedom justice and equality with the original people in any society. Those 11 days cancelled out 400 plus years in his mind. And here he's implying that he never felt true brotherhood amongst the FOI. So when he would be walking through the streets of NY, or elsewhere, and he had 6 FOI flanking him in formation, he did feel brotherhood? He never felt true brotherhood in those 500-600 plus FOI Classes he participated in? N-gga please
But as racism leads America up the suicide path, I do believe, from the experiences that I have had with them, that the whites of the younger generation, in the colleges and universities, will see the handwriting on the walls and many of them will turn to the spiritualpath of truth--the only way left to America to ward off the disaster that racism in inevitably must lead to.
If the "spiritual path of truth" is Sunni Islam, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz was inhaling too much camel sh-t if he thought college educated crackas would turn to it in mass.


...come on let's picture the possibility...
Oct 10, 2013
The whiteman is your god.
The whiteman has appropriated both MLK's and Malcolm's messages. If you actually understood what Minister Malcolm X taught, you would be able to see this. But you, like most Malcolmites, are just a personality worshipper, and view him, like you said, as an icon, a symbol who's substance is too difficult for you to grasp.
Wasn't Wallace D. Fard a whiteman? And I hope you don't think that Louis' "good hair" comes from a damn S Curl. NO, he has your beloved whiteman's blood proudly flowing all throughout his veins got dammit!