This isn't about me vs lebron, this isn't a competition between black people.
What this is about is how jews are doing economically better than blacks in this country. Other ethnicities will start their own businesses, hire their own people, support their businesses, do business with each other, circulate that money in their own community and build legacies for their children. They work together, and that builds economic power over time.
Black people on the other hand always want to get a job working for some white man and building up his legacy.
Notice how you turned this into a pissing match between black men instead of seeing the bigger picture here? That brainwashing is what a lot of black people suffer from. Always wanting to compete with each other instead of working together. Every other ethnicity gets it, but not black people.
When was the last time you saw an asian or a jew shyt talking another asian or jew? I've never seen that shyt once, but black people shyt talk each other non stop.