Fareed Zakaria: The rapid secularization of America (5 minute commentary on religion and politics)


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Well perhaps Fareed or CNN is pushing an agenda.

My main takeaway was the concern of what replaces religion in America.
That question is fair to ask on some level.

Though, I suppose Fareed (and all of us) could look to Europe for clues.



Aug 29, 2013
I think there as an SNL skit before/after Trump got elected about how much material they were gonna have to make fun of.

The MSM, the people in the Academy, the entertainers - they're saying X,Y, and Z - but what sort of action is being taken.


I'm not even sure what Fareed is doing other than filling air time so CNN can sell ads.
I'd like to see someone push back with this on mainstream media. Van Jones is always on these election panels on election night.

Get on CNN or MSNBC and ask why it's incumbent on black americans to get out and vote for the left -- when they already do so overwhelmingly.
The math would suggest the pressure ought to be on white people to get out and vote. Though, to your point, that's not the message they're sharing.

I'd preface this by saying "everyone get out and vote" -- black people, latinos, all minorities. But if we're going to analyze and look at who is most responsible for the results....



not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
And then at that point we are looking at humans in general.

Are humans just inherently fukked up and doomed to continually thirst for power and control?

If it's not religion, it's politics, if it's not politics it's straight up ideology. Is it possible that the human animal is just fundamentally fukked up if after thousands of years of multiple people from Zoroaster to MLK trying to tell people the same basic truth (don't be a fukking a$$hole and be considerate of others and those who have less than you) people continue to twist those teachings into justification for the VERY SAME BEHAVIOR the religion, politics, and ideology were created to destroy---then maybe we are truly a doomed species.

Maybe fate exists and humanity is doomed to extinction because we simply can't (as a species) seem to grasp this basic fact and continue to kill and oppress one another.
The true and definitive answer to all your questions about the sad and depressing state of human nature is hidden behind a three letter word,


Without exception we all have, as humans, a sinful nature directly inherited from the first human couple created by God, Adam and Eve, the actual ancestors of all humanity.

Committing Sin is rebellion against God.
When you sin you disobey God.
Committing sin is hatred against God.

When eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she rebelled against God. She disobeyed Him.When Adam chose to follow her he rebelled against God. He disobeyed Him. Both Adam and Eve rebelled against God and disobeyed Him. They sinned against him and as a result they brought sin, sorrow and death to a fallen world. Sin turned the world upside down and changed it forever. Only Jesus Christ is righteous because he is the son of God , our savior and never sinned once ever because God doesn’t sin. God is sinless, holy, mighty, perfect and righteous. We are sinners by blood, choice and habit. We are born to sin, built to sin, raised to sin and we love to live in sin. Sinning comes naturally to us, just like breathing, killing, crying, working, laughing, loving, spending, living, dying, eating, drinking, pissing, shytting, walking, and talking.

We always choose sin because we are inherently selfish and will always indulge in our sinful desires. We are carnal creatures that live in the flesh and live for the flesh. Every choice we make and every decision we take is influenced by evil, sinful and selfish motives . We prefer to justify our evil deeds by any means necessary. We love to say that wrong is right. We prefer to do bad than do good. Human nature is impossible to change even with all the best efforts, methods and intentions of the world -we are what we are. We are hopeless and beyond repair. We can’t re-educate and rehabilitate ourselves. Only the word of God and his holy Spirit can regenerate the spiritually dead souls of humans. Only the word of God can lead human sinners to the truth and to eternal life.

The Bible says that The wage of sin is death.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sin breeds more sin.
One sin leads to another
Every little sin always leads to a bigger one.
This cycle of sin and evil never ends.
The road of sin only leads you to death.
Sin is a one way ticket to hell.

James 1:14-16 King James Version (KJV)but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death

The Bible is the greatest book ever because it explains perfectly and clearly the reason why humans are evil and do evil things. We’re all evil in the flesh and we have evil in our blood. We are so bad. The Bible, the only word of God exposes the true nature of humans. It explains perfectly Why men and women are stubborn, pagan, unbelievers, homosexuals, alcoholics, drug addicts, violent, lazy,gossiping, stupid, oppressors, killers, treacherous, greedy, attention-whores, unloyal, mean-spirited, impulsive, full of lust, jealous, envious, conniving, covetous. capricious,ungrateful, prideful, why we are thirsty for clout/power/wealth/luxury/influence, liars, murderers, xenophobic, full of self-hate, perverts, racists, hateful, cheaters, weak morally, self-righteous and condescending. Why we never hold themselves accountable for our actions. Why we are lacking empathy towards others.

Only faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ saves humans. He paid with his life and blood the sin-debt of all humanity. The lord Jesus paid a debt he didn’t owe because we owed to God a debt we couldn’t pay. Because to enter heaven you have to be perfect, righteous holy and sinless like God. God doesn’t tolerate and accept any sin in his holy kingdom. And sinning is a crime against God and you will be judged accordingly. The punishment will fit the crime. Keep in mind that only one little sin makes you guilty in the eyes of God and puts you in hell forever. Because hell is permanent. It’s Hot, dark, horrible in there. There’s no water out there, you will be thirsty forever and forever. You will burn and suffer. Endlessly tortured and tormented. You will find No rest and peace. And this punishment is deserved because God is a God of justice and good. Human nature and its willingness to sin is a crime and affront to God.

But in his goodness he provided us an easy out. Eternal life is a free gift. You don’t have to work hard to get it. You can’t buy your way to heaven with good actions and good behavior. God won’t be impressed and won’t accept it because humans are naturally imperfect and sinful, even being the most ideal human and doing billions of nice things to people won’t get you a place in heaven. On a secular or even religious level, you could be as perfect as you can be and still go to hell right after you die because your sins weren’t taken away by the divine precious life saving blood of Jesus. You didn’t trust his righteousness to save you but you trusted your own righteousness because you thought your own righteousness was enough to go to heaven. You thought that you could save yourself. Being self righteous and believing we are good enough to deserve a spot in heaven on our own efforts/merits is a sin.

(Isaiah 64.6 -KJV bible-
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.)

Just come out and realize you are a naturally and hopeless born sinner on your way to eternal hell. And as soon as you aware of your nature and your condition, and your eventual punition(remember, the most unforgivable sin against God/the Holy Spirit is unbelief in the gospel of Jesus. And if you die as a unbeliever, you will be spending eternity in hell after death) your full trust on his righteousness to save your soul and take away all your sins(sins of your past, sins you’re committing right now, and the sins that you will commit in the future) you will be born again and the Holy Spirit will come alive inside you. Born again because humans are born physically (we all come out from our mothers womb) but when you’re saved by grace through faith in hid rightoeiness, you are born again but spiritually. Because before Jesus you were carnally alive and spiritually dead(sin nature) and lived in the flesh and lived for the flesh without apology.

the good news(the gospel) is that Christ was nailed and crucified, shed his precious life saving blood and died for us on the cross. Then our Lord and Savior was buried and spent three nights in hell. Then he was ressurected three days later and ascended to heaven to apply his blood in the tabernacle in heaven in order to save humanity and destroy sin and death forever. The beautiful miracle was accomplished and humanity was eternally redeemed.
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May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Well perhaps Fareed or CNN is pushing an agenda.

My main takeaway was the concern of what replaces religion in America.
That question is fair to ask on some level.

Though, I suppose Fareed (and all of us) could look to Europe for clues.
Nietzsche crazy ass is invoked yet again. :wow:

I don't know it says about Americans that we can't function without an overwhelming power looking down on us, keeping us in check. Doesn't sound like freedom to me.

Big Blue

Sep 26, 2012

An age breakout would be even more interesting. Of course old black people go to church.


May 24, 2022
An age breakout would be even more interesting. Of course old black people go to church.

Speaking of, I saw this last week, because someone said that Christianity is the most popular religion.

I was like word?

They say that America has 200M Christians.

200 hundred MILLION?



not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
I'd like to see someone push back with this on mainstream media. Van Jones is always on these election panels on election night.

Get on CNN or MSNBC and ask why it's incumbent on black americans to get out and vote for the left -- when they already do so overwhelmingly.
The math would suggest the pressure ought to be on white people to get out and vote. Though, to your point, that's not the message they're sharing.

I'd preface this by saying "everyone get out and vote" -- black people, latinos, all minorities. But if we're going to analyze and look at who is most responsible for the results....

its like the media is indirectly blaming black folks for the rise and election of trump. They conveniently forget that black folks in America vote democratic at a 90% rate…..

« Black people didn’t get out and didn’t vote enough »

Listen this country will always go where white folks wanna go. They represent the majority of American population. Demographics is destiny.

If trump is that popular, it’s because of right wing crackers. If trump was elected president it’s because of right wing crackers. And there are millions of right wing cacs in America.