this class makes me do 6 essays throughout the term
i've done 5 of em so far
the last one is due tomorrow
they're all 1k word essays with some bullshyt ass prompt
teacher is hella unorganized and flip flops all the time
i really don't wanna do this essay cus i have an exam tomorrow so i decide to check the syllabus:
"Policy on Makeup Exams and Late Work
There will be no makeup exams except in the case of incapacitating illness or other university-approved absence (please see the University’s policy on absences). In such cases, you must provide documentation from an appropriate authority to the instructor as soon as possible. The Teaching Assistant (TA) may not give permission for make-up exams.
As you are given the opportunity to drop one discussion essay grade, no late submission of work will be accepted. All essays must be turned in at the beginning of class on the date they are due. No essays turned in via email will be accepted except in the case of incapacitating illness or other university-approved absence (please see the University’s policy on absences). In such cases, you must provide documentation from an appropriate authority to the instructor as soon as possible. The Teaching Assistant (TA) may not give permission to turn in assignments via email."
the essays that we've been doing have been called "Critical Essays." i have no idea wtf a discussion essay is, but my roommate and a bunch of his friends are gonna try to use the syllabus to their advantage to not do the last essay
but idk cause the teacher has never mentioned once that we could drop one of our essays so my gut telling me that i should do the essay styll
do i follow my gut