i do the patch and it goes thru u know tells me patching done
but i open up the ton and its stll not authorized
Win: Setup/Install Ableton Live 9 Suite Û°°Û °
° Û Û (Setup.msi). Launch LivePatch.exe then Û Û °
° Û°°Û select 'patch' button. Use the Authorize Û°°Û °
° Û±±Û .auz file in app directory to license. Û±±Û °
° Þ²²Û Any errors can safely be ignored; it's Û²²Ý °
°° Û²²Ý due to simultaneous 32/64 bit searching.
"Use the Authorize .auz file in app directory to license"
Now this one step I didn't what is this maybe it has to do with this
this a manual step i have to do??! .