friend came over my house 2 days ago and jit was tryna convince me that tory lanez was some next lvl shytwoooOoOhhhh
*llari voice*
damn pc musak fell the hell off
completely forgot about em
yea seen that gonna go thru it soon
rizzla and false witness in the same mix
mannnnfriend came over my house 2 days ago and jit was tryna convince me that tory lanez was some next lvl shyt
started naming songs off that cruel intentions shyt
i was like just listen to sonya its better
he was like show me 2 songs
showed him 2 songs and he hit me wit thelike i was showing him some garb
i was like just listen to sonya its better
plus lil llari world gonna have more singing from what he said in the no jumpa interview
1st goes super namek on this goddam