Alina Baraz & Galimatias – Urban Flora EP
Already have most of these songs but I'm copping this. Why are there almost no photos of her?
@OnlyInCalifornia @malc @Monoblock @Billy Ocean @homiedontplaydat @MC Metaphysical @NormanConnors @biscuitsnbangers @Urbanmiracle @spliz @TheDarceKnight @IronFist @malbaker86 @unstoppable589 @Newark88 @DANJ! @RichYung @Illeye buckmatic @Big Mel @KILLAKUTT7 @Wallychamp @Jerz-2 @The Jewnited States @Art Barr @Ineedmoney504 @SoulController @beaniemac @BronxFleezy @Kaypain @ODOT META @FreshAIG @Tuaminator @Rakim Allah @torcher @RebelX @Ensi @Walt @Geoffrey_Chaucer @mobbinfms @blazn101 @JAY? @Ill Clinton @Won Won @Animal House @Cynic
i heard this demo about 3yrs ago.. this dude Kon Artist from D12.. hes been dropping alot of dope projects the past few years.. dont sleep on this..
@OnlyInCalifornia @malc @Monoblock @Billy Ocean @homiedontplaydat @MC Metaphysical @NormanConnors @biscuitsnbangers @Urbanmiracle @spliz @TheDarceKnight @IronFist @malbaker86 @unstoppable589 @Newark88 @DANJ! @RichYung @Illeye buckmatic @Big Mel @KILLAKUTT7 @Wallychamp @Jerz-2 @The Jewnited States @Art Barr @Ineedmoney504 @SoulController @beaniemac @BronxFleezy @Kaypain @ODOT META @FreshAIG @Tuaminator @Rakim Allah @torcher @RebelX @Ensi @Walt @Geoffrey_Chaucer @mobbinfms @blazn101 @JAY? @Ill Clinton @Won Won @Animal House @Cynic