Dolph, because it actually was based in wrestling and meant something.
Fandango theme singalong was just fukkery, it was just something for the crowd to do. They ran through every chant in the world, so singing was the last resort. They weren't really doing it in support of Fandango, they were just chant/cheer drunk at that point.
Love the fact that everyone breathing the AIDSand humming #FANDANGOAT 's theme but that Ziggler shyt was crazy. That pop was defining. His title reign may end up flopping but it doesn't take away the moment he had yesterday.
Don't think his reign will flop at all.
Let him be the focus of a program and win some matches and you`ll see how good he actually is.
They need to do that Bryan/Ziggler for Summerslam
You guys know Dolph was world champion before right?
not even close Fandango's theme.
Dolph's win was predictable.
like no homo but I be seeing the way Dolph starts trying to shake his ass when he comes out his entrance music. shyt is wack. But Fandingo did it way better and get crowd reactions