Toe Jay Simpson
I would say they restoring that feeling, but you used to get the hell beat out of you when that happened. Thats a terrible look for Seth…the man who beat Brock Lesnar in the main event of Wrestlemania
Attempted violation of arts and cultural affairs.
Who'd ever thought thigh slapping, vanilla midget flippy shyt carny affairs... would be considered... cultural affairs.
man I’ve watched this shyt over 10 times I’m dying laughing. From the fact that it’s a black dude, to the dude recording, to the fact that he came off the stage like a real wrestler
got more entertainment from that than anything wwe has produced this year.
This a work shoot?I would say they restoring that feeling, but you used to get the hell beat out of you when that happened. Thats a terrible look for Seth…the man who beat Brock Lesnar in the main event of Wrestlemania
You can tell from TSC that WWE mostly scrapes their fanbase from the bottom of the barrel