Famous pastors says Beyoncé sold her soul to the devil during his sermon, referring to her song “church girl”


May 24, 2022
Christians needs a boogie man if not the religion has no clout and will just get ignored like the old man getting the door shut on him by Michael Scott on office

once most the boomers and older gen x'ers die out then that religion will go with them... can't force Christianity unless it becomes like Islam which these cacs are trying to do.....on the right it's obvious but if it becomes like isalm then it will be rejected by the younger gen of the western world


Jun 28, 2012
Selling your soul to the devil is not even biblical. I can tell he is one of those unintelligent and ignorant pastors who probably cultivated a church environment so toxic and judgemental that it probably has led many from the younger generation away. Sad.

You say it's not biblical, but you aren't connecting dots.

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Mark 8:36

Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if He would only worship him. Jesus declined and rebuked Satan, because His Kingdom is going to rule all kingdoms.

If Satan did it to Jesus, he will do it to anybody. People just don't recognize when they are accepting the offer. That's a part of the deception of Satan. He doesn't want you to know what you give away or when exactly it happens. He sells the fantasy to you.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Christians needs a boogie man if not the religion has no clout and will just get ignored like the old man getting the door shut on him by Michael Scott on office

once most the boomers and older gen x'ers die out then that religion will go with them... can't force Christianity unless it becomes like Islam which these cacs are trying to do.....on the right it's obvious but if it becomes like isalm then it will be rejected by the younger gen of the western world
Christianity is part of the global religion and it’s being exposed now. The Bible itself is negro history and real. Nuclear weaps were created not for man, but for when all nations plan to war against Christ. That’s what they are for. Even so, it will only hasten the destruction of the heathen, the wicked, and unrepent sinners.


Feb 21, 2015
You say it's not biblical, but you aren't connecting dots.

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Mark 8:36

Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if He would only worship him. Jesus declined and rebuked Satan, because His Kingdom is going to rule all kingdoms.

If Satan did it to Jesus, he will do it to anybody. People just don't recognize when they are accepting the offer. That's a part of the deception of Satan. He doesn't want you to know what you give away or when exactly it happens. He sells the fantasy to you.

I'm going to tell you the same thing I told the other poster, that is not what was going on in those verses.

You need to understand the purposes of the temptations. The temptations were to stop Christ from going to the cross.

Stopping Christ from going to the cross meant stopping "the seed of the woman from bruising the head of the serpent."

It meant stopping Christ from doing the Will of God and serving as a mediator for mankind. It meant stopping Christ from defeating death, and it meant stopping Christ from stripping Satan of the power that was handed over to him from Adam.

It had nothing to do with trying to get Christ to sell his soul but was a diversion tactic through deceit to temporarily entice him with earthly pleasures so that he would be diverted from the cross which meant Satan's own defeat.

I need you all to think harder.

How can the created possess the spirit of the Creator, the Word, through which all things were made - heavens and the earth and everything in them?

That was deceit.

How can Satan offer up kingdoms when the Word has dominion over all kingdoms, powers, and principalities?

That was deceit.

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Mark 8:36

This does not mean losing your soul to Satan because Satan owns your soul.

This means God destroying your soul for your rebellion.

As it is only its Creator that can destroy.

Ezekiel 18:4
“Behold, all souls are Mine;
The soul of the father
As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
The soul who sins shall die.


Mar 26, 2017
This is why less and less people go to these dumbass places
No matter what spiritual doctrine you choose, they're all going to include some standard for behavior.
The entire purpose of practicing religion or being spiritual is to hold yourself to a higher standard and to keep your moral compass in tune.
Even in our secular society, there are standards for behavior.
Some behavior is unacceptable in certain arenas.
This immature "anything goes/I do what I want" thinking only gets us deeper into chaos.
The fact that you think it's somehow unfair to Beyonce and that churches on a whole are "dumb" because there's pushback to her telling "church girls" to abandon their morals and behave like a "thotty" (her words), then promotes hypocrisy by telling them to go back to church after such behavior lets us know who the dumb one is.
If you wanna keep it a buck symbolically, this song is actually Beyonce playing the role of Satan as the serpent misleading Eve in the Garden of Eden.


Jun 28, 2012
I'm going to tell you the same thing I told the other poster, that is not what was going on in those verses.

You need to understand the purposes of the temptations. The temptations were to stop Christ from going to the cross.

Stopping Christ from going to the cross meant stopping "the seed of the woman from bruising the head of the serpent."

It meant stopping Christ from doing the Will of God and serving as a mediator for mankind. It meant stopping Christ from defeating death, and it meant stopping Christ from stripping Satan of the power that was handed over to him from Adam.

It had nothing to do with trying to get Christ to sell his soul but was a diversion tactic through deceit to temporarily entice him with earthly pleasures so that he would be diverted from the cross which meant Satan's own defeat.

I need you all to think harder.

How can the created possess the spirit of the Creator, the Word, through which all things were made - heavens and the earth and everything in them?

That was deceit.

How can Satan offer up kingdoms when the Word has dominion over all kingdoms, powers, and principalities?

That was deceit.

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" Mark 8:36

This does not mean losing your soul to Satan because Satan owns your soul.

This means God destroying your soul for your rebellion.

As it is only its Creator that can destroy.

Ezekiel 18:4
“Behold, all souls are Mine;
The soul of the father
As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
The soul who sins shall die.

Nobody cares about your pseudo "spiritual knowledge" ... You are ignoring the fact that the scripture does say a person can lose their soul by trading it for wordly gain. Are you going to blaspheme and call God a liar?

We are not saying Satan owns anything. We are saying a person can make a choice for their eternal destiny. That's what the pastor is saying. He isn't giving the devil credit. He's telling you what Beyonce has done.

Her promotion of the Babylonian lifestyle is evidence. She's still alive, she can change, but if she doesn't repent then it's a sad story for her end. But right now she's looking a lot like a Jezebel type.
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Feb 21, 2015
Nobody cares about your pseudo "spiritual knowledge" ... You are ignoring the fact that the scripture does say a person can lose their soul by trading it for wordly gain. Are you going to blaspheme and call God a liar?

Lose your soul =\= sell your soul

I'm not going back and forth with you with your simplistic takes.

The argument we were discussing was if it was biblical that one's soul could be sold to the devil. It is not. There is no example in the bible of that happening. You unintelligently reading things into scripture notwithstanding.
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Jun 28, 2012
Lose your soul =\= sale your soul

I'm not going back and forth with you with your simplistic takes.

The argument we were discussing was if it was biblical that one's soul could be sold to the devil. It is not. There is no example in the bible of that happening. You unintelligently reading things into scripture notwithstanding.

Trying to derail the thread. Nah, we are not going to let you get away with it. She's working for Satan's team at the moment. Buy everything she's selling if you want to.


Feb 21, 2015
Trying to derail the thread. Nah, we are not going to let you get away with it. She's working for Satan's team at the moment. Buy everything she's selling if you want to.

Nah, I'm not going anywhere I'm still waiting for you to provide those examples......


Location: Under Your Skin
May 13, 2012
Under Your Skin
No matter what spiritual doctrine you choose, they're all going to include some standard for behavior.
The entire purpose of practicing religion or being spiritual is to hold yourself to a higher standard and to keep your moral compass in tune.
Even in our secular society, there are standards for behavior.
Some behavior is unacceptable in certain arenas.
This immature "anything goes/I do what I want" thinking only gets us deeper into chaos.
The fact that you think it's somehow unfair to Beyonce and that churches on a whole are "dumb" because there's pushback to her telling "church girls" to abandon their morals and behave like a "thotty" (her words), then promotes hypocrisy by telling them to go back to church after such behavior lets us know who the dumb one is.
If you wanna keep it a buck symbolically, this song is actually Beyonce playing the role of Satan as the serpent misleading Eve in the Garden of Eden.
No matter what spiritual doctrine you choose, they're all going to include some standard for behavior.
The entire purpose of practicing religion or being spiritual is to hold yourself to a higher standard and to keep your moral compass in tune.
Even in our secular society, there are standards for behavior.
Some behavior is unacceptable in certain arenas.
This immature "anything goes/I do what I want" thinking only gets us deeper into chaos.
The fact that you think it's somehow unfair to Beyonce and that churches on a whole are "dumb" because there's pushback to her telling "church girls" to abandon their morals and behave like a "thotty" (her words), then promotes hypocrisy by telling them to go back to church after such behavior lets us know who the dumb one is.
If you wanna keep it a buck symbolically, this song is actually Beyonce playing the role of Satan as the serpent misleading Eve in the Garden of Eden.
No I this church and churches in general are dumb for calling Beyoncé hypocritical whilst being the most hypocritical institution known to man.
