avon barksdale
i want my corners
Russell Poole who had proof cops killed biggie
That was Natalie Wood. Her husband clearly killed herEveryone thinks Epsteins. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorists but when I heard he killed himself I said "that's convenient" might've been the most blatant hit of all time.
There was another one with Christopher Walken when they were on a boat and some guys wife don't remember or feel like looking it up but I know that's an infamous one.
I heard the woman who threw hot grits on Al Greene might've been iced by his security rather than killing herself.
Besides the obvious ones, I didn't know that James Brown was murdered till a few months ago.
Like it was reported by CNN and other reputable news stations that he had been poisoned after they found new evidence some years later.
That tranny hooker that gave Chalie Sheen AIDSThat tranny hooker that Eddie Murphy was messing around with in the 80s
Yup another scandalous ass white woman.
This is why Napoleon tried to ethnically cleanse the real Count of Monte Cristo out of historyI literally just came across a quote Marlon Brando said about him.
“Malcolm X was a dynamic person, a very special human being who might have caused a revolution. He had to be done away with. The American government couldn't let him live. If 23 million blacks found a charismatic leader like he was, they would have followed him. The powers that be couldn't accept that.”