fallout 4 stories and characters were ass compared to new vegas..
Breh, I recently played both New Vegas as well as F4. Not only is New Vegas GOAT level storytelling, the gameplay itself is vastly more satisfying. Fallout 4 has this thing were enemies will just absorb all your ammo with no reaction and the kills are extremely unsatisfying. There are no real character choices, all the choices in the dialogue wheel amount to the same thing. fukking trash.
It's crazy how NV is considered GOAT status now, but when it dropped all people did was bytch about it.
I mean yeah for its time new Vegas was fun but graphically I was blown away by fallout 4 so it's a trade off I also liked the story In Fallout 4 it was messed up when the twist happened I wasn't expecting it...
Obsidian should have won a lot of awards from Fallout New Vegas. Sure the game had bugs when it was released but Zenimax/Bethesda only gave them 18 months to make the game along with restrictions. Originally Obsidian was going to allow players to choose their race (Human, Ghoul, Super Mutant) but Bethesda shot that down. Also the player was supposed to be able to visit Legion controlled towns but a lot of Legion content got cut due to time restrictions.
Also Zenimax fukked over Obsidian with their contract for New Vegas. Obsidian was supposed to receive a large bonus if they hit at least 85 on metacritic for New Vegas. They received an 84.
Zenimax/Bethesda are still salty about this game because Obsidian was able to make an excellent RPG in 18 months (and being better than Fallout 3) while they spent almost 7-8 years making Fallout 4 and it was mediocre at best.
Bethesda needs to hire quality writers to work on their games. They do a good job of building the world and gameplay but their games suffer from generic, uninspired storytelling.
I honestly think Bethesda was going to go the Mass Effect route with Fallout 4 with a male protagonist. Then someone at the company realize that was going to lead to backlash from female gamers and they tacked on the female protagonist late in development. The story for Fallout 4 makes more sense as a male protagonist.