i want to see some more non lethal options.
i don't want no unnecessary bloodshed if i can help it. 

Can't wait to come across a raider camp or pack of deathclaws and find the best vantage point to land some suppressed sniper headshotsNothin' like watching these fiends and bandits running around as their boys legs and heads keep exploding around them
Then let one of them live and walk up to merk him point blank range and loot all their shyt
Kill a whole camp without a scratch on my gear
If i preorder the pip boy edition from best buy, they wont charge me til it comes out right?
If i preorder the pip boy edition from best buy, they wont charge me til it comes out right?
Nah not really, haCaps are a little low, ha
You want the pip boy edition but you too poor, ha
Before making your way to the wastelands surrounding Boston, give yourself a 101 primer on Fallout by returning to the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3!
We’re excited to announce — for a limited time – your pre-order of Fallout 4 for Xbox One will entitle you to receive Fallout 3 on Xbox 360. The code for Fallout 3 will be delivered to your Xbox message center in 7-10 days. Redeem your code on Xbox.com or on your Xbox 360. Fallout 3 will have Xbox One backwards compatibility access when made available.
Fallout 4 releases on Xbox One worldwide on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. If you missed it, catch Game Director Todd Howard’s presentation during the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing.
I hope cazadores don't make a return in Fallout 4. They were a bytch to deal with in New Vegas.