just got out the vault and im on survival wish me luck
One more hourAs soon as i leave for work around 2:30am. i'm going dark until i get home... I dont want it to be ruined y'all fukkers playing it over night...
It's not a failure, it's just missing some important components (sli mainly) and has very steep requirements at all ultra. A game that looks like this shouldn't run this poorly at all ultra (40fps at 1440p). And it should of had sli support to allow for people to play at higher resolutions. 18fps at 4K. fukked up. Hopefully they'll release an sli profile soon, so us with high end rigs can play it like it's supposed to be played.unpacking now...
why is it a "port failure"?
Wtf man?
What's that gonna do for install speedAll the servers everywhere must be on fire. I'm installing my shyt offline.
Legend Brown Oktoberfest?just copped the wavy lays and french onion dip on the way back. and a 6 pk of oktoberfest